Thank You!

Many thanks to everyone for a fantastic first term of our 10th year as a school.  Particular thanks to our staff who have consistently worked hard to support teaching and learning this first term.  A big thank you to all the parents for your continued support.  Finally, sincere thanks to all the children for all their contributions in making our school such a vibrant learning environment.

Winter Break

We hope everyone has a safe, relaxing and restful winter break.  The school will reopen on Monday, 8th January.


A reminder to let us know of any unplanned absences by either using the Aladdin app, phoning the school or sending an email to Claudia.  It is the policy of the school to phone families if a child doesn’t arrive at school to ensure children are safe.  Thanks for your assistance!

Digital Arts Flag

Over the past term, all the classes participated in the Digital Arts Flag programme organised by Branar.  We are delighted that we have been awarded the Digital Arts Flag in recognition of the excellent creative work completed by the children over the last term.

Afterschool Clubs

A new term of afterschool clubs will begin in the new term.  Sign-up will take place on Tuesday morning, 9th January from 8.40 onwards.  The full details follow.  Please make the full payment in cash on the day to secure a place.

Mondays – Choir with Matt and Sarah

  • 1st – 6th Class
  • 8th Jan until 11th Mar (no session on 5th Feb)
  • 9 sessions – current participants do not need to sign up again; new members are welcome to join

Mondays – Dungeons and Dragons with Micheál

  • 5th – 6th Class
  • 15th Jan until 11th Mar (no session on 5th Feb)
  • 8 sessions

Tuesdays – Art with Fran

  • Junior & Senior Infants – 13.30-14.30
  • 1st to 6th Class – 14.30-15.30
  • 16th Jan until 19th Mar
  • 10 sessions – €120

Wednesdays – Music and Drama with Matt

  • Junior and Senior Infants
  • 17th Jan until 20th Mar (no session on 14th Feb)
  • 9 sessions – €45

Wednesdays – Hurling & Gaelic Football with Fionnuala

  • 3rd to 6th Class
  • 17th Jan until 20th Mar (no session on 14th Feb)
  • 9 sessions – €45

Wednesdays – Lego with Padraic

  • 1st to 6th Class
  • 17th Jan until 20th Mar (no session on 14th Feb)
  • 9 sessions – €45

Wednesdays – Hand/machine sewing with Arike

  • 2nd to 4th Class
  • 17th Jan until 20th Mar (no session on 14th Feb)
  • 9 sessions – €110 including all materials

Thursdays – Superhero Training with Miss Laurie

  • Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st
  • 18th Jan until 21st Mar (no session on 15th Feb)
  • 9 sessions – €90

Thursdays – Hand/machine sewing with Arike

  • 5th and 6th Class
  • 18th Jan until 21st Mar (no session on 16th Feb)
  • 9 sessions – €110 including all materials

Technology Grant

We’re delighted to have been informed that we have been awarded a grant to support STEM projects in the school.  We look forward to implementing the proposed project and informing everyone about the exciting plans to promote STEM activities in the school.  Special thanks to Padraic for spearheading the application.

Collecting Children at Hometime

A reminder that parents who are collecting children in 1st and 2nd Class are invited to enter the yard and walk up directly to your child at home time.  Thanks!

Solar Panels

We are pleased to have been approved to participate in the Department’s solar panels scheme.  The installation will take place sometime in the Spring, and we hope it will help towards keeping electricity costs lower as well as make a positive environmental contribution.


Many of the classes greatly enjoyed hearing several children playing their violins with their teacher Ingrid.  There are spaces available if anyone would like their child to participate.

Jazzy Jumper Day

Yesterday everyone sported their best wooly winter jumpers.  A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the collection for Galway Simon Community.  Over €360 was collected and thanks for all your generosity.

Many classes had great fun having a “snowball” fight!

Tráth na gCeist

Bhí Tráth na gCeist again an tseachtain seo caite.  Seo iad na buaiteorí.  (We had an Irish quiz this past week.  Here are the winners.  This is part of our efforts towards achieving the Gaelbhratach.)

An Foireann sa Chéad Áit

An Foireann sa Dara hÁit