Upcoming School Closures

The school will be closed for the St Brigit’s Day Bank Holiday on Monday, 5th February.

We have received notification that the school will be closed to facilitate a training seminar for the staff related to the new maths curriculum.  Therefore, the school will be closed on Friday, 23rd February.  Afterschool @ KETNS is hosting a one-day camp at the school on that day.

Parent-Teacher Association Meeting

The Parent-Teacher Association will meet tomorrow evening (Tuesday, 23rd January) at 19.00 in the staff room.  The main item on the agenda is planning for the Spring Fair.

Visit from Inspectors

Two members of the Department of Education Inspectorate, who are responsible for evaluating schools and providing support for school improvement, will visit the school on Friday.  They are coming to learn more about how we promote pupil.  On Friday they will be making a short video about the methods used in our school which will be used to train other inspectors.  They will interview some children and will attend committee meetings and an assembly.  A consent form has been set up on Aladdin, and we’d ask all parents to complete this as soon as possible.

Hot Lunches

The school is engaging in a process to select a provider for free hot lunches for all pupils.  As part of this process, the members of the Student Council sampled different food items last week.  It is anticipated that the hot meals will be launched in the spring this year, with full details to follow soon.


The Creative School Committee organised the rental of a set of drums and percussion instruments.  All the classes had a go trying them out over the past couple of weeks.

Basketball League Champions

Congratulations to Team 6, pictured above, who won the basketball tournament in a close match against Team 9.  Here they proudly are showing off their trophy!


Parents are reminded that Gaeilge (Irish) classes for parents continue on Fridays from 8.50-9.30 for beginners.  The classes for those with some experience will resume on Wednesdays from the 31st January onwards from 8.50-9.30.  All are welcome.

In addition, the Coiste Gaelbhratach is encouraging everyone (children, parents and staff) to greet one another at the school gate in Irish.  Here are some helpful phrases.