Spring Break

Many thanks to the staff, children and parents for all your efforts this past term.  The school will be closed for Spring Break until Monday, 8th April at 8.50 when the final term of the year will begin. 


Swimming will begin the first week of the new term.  All children from 1st Class and up will have six lessons.  You’ll receive a separate email with all the information.  Lessons will be at Kingfisher Club at the University of Galway as they offer 45-minute lessons.  The summary of the swimming schedule is 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class on Tuesdays and 1st and 3rd Class on Wednesdays.  Each class will have the first session on the 9th or 10th April and finish on 21st or 22nd May (note: the school is closed on the 7th and 8th May).

Talent Show

The Parent-Teacher Association is organising another event for families.  It will be a talent show on Friday, 12th April at 18.30.  Any member of our school community can participate.  Any talent is most welcome – singing, dancing, magic, sports skills, stand-up, gymnastics, maths skills – the sky is the limit!  You are welcome to attend even if you would prefer not to perform.  There will be a five-minute time limit per act.  At the beginning of the first week back at school, we’ll announce how parents and children can put their names forward.  We’ll bring snacks to share and will have lots of fun together.

Afterschool Clubs

A new series of afterschool clubs will be offered for the final term of the year.  Registration will take place starting Tuesday, 9th April at 8.40.  Please have a cash payment ready to secure a place.  The starting and ending dates for the different clubs vary, so please take note of them below.

Mondays – Choir with Matt and Sarah
1st – 6th Class
8th Apr until 10th June (no session on 6th May and 3rd June)
8 sessions – current participants do not need to sign up again; new members are welcome to join

Mondays – Dungeons and Dragons with Micheál
5th – 6th Class
16th April until 17th June (no session on 6th May and 3rd June)
8 sessions

Tuesdays – Art with Fran
Junior & Senior Infants – 13.30-14.30
1st to 6th Class – 14.30-15.30
16th Apr until 18th June (no session on 7th May and 4th June)
8 sessions – €96 (€10 discount for siblings)

Wednesdays – Lego with Padraic
1st to 6th Class
17th Apr until 19th June (no session on 8th May)
9 sessions – €45

Wednesdays – Hand/machine sewing with Arike
2nd to 4th Class
17th Apr until 19th June (no session on 8th May)
9 sessions – €110 including all materials

Thursdays – Superhero Training with Miss Laurie
Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st
11th Apr until 13th June (no session on 30th May) – 14.30-15.30
9 sessions – €90

Thursdays – Hand/machine sewing with Arike
5th and 6th Class
18th Apr until 20th June (no session on 9th May)
9 sessions – €110 including all materials

Thursdays – Evasion Games with Christian
Senior Infants 13.30-14.30
1st to 6th Class 14.30-15.30
11th Apr until 13th June
10 sessions – €50

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge iontach againn.  Bhí Tráth na gCeist ar siúl agus bhuaigh dhá fhoireann duaiseanna deasa.  Bhí Lá Glas againn agus bhí tionól spesialta ann ar an Aoine.

We had an excellent Seachtain na Gaeilge.  We had a Table Quiz, and two teams won great prizes.  We dressed up in green and we had a special Irish language assembly on Friday.

Na buaiteoirí (the winners)

An foireann sa dara háit (The second place team)

Bhí neart damhsa ann ag an grcuinniú! (There was plenty of dancing at the assembly!)

Agus bhí craic agus ceol ann freisin! (And there was fun and music too!)

Chess Competions

Our school participated in two different chess tournaments last week.  The teams played well, and three children were recognised for being the top players on their teams.

Our chess competitors!

School Lunches

Work is underway to prepare for the new hot lunch programme.  For now, all children will need to continue to bring a lunch to the school, and we will confirm when everything is ready for this new programme. 

Colouring and Door Decoration Competition

The Creative Schools Committee organised an egg colouring and door decoration competition.  6th Class was chosen as the winner of the competition.

Junior Infants visiting the 6th Class winning door