10th Anniversary Celebration

We look forward to celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the school on Wednesday, 19th June.  As it is a special occasion in the life of our school, we are encouraging the children to dress more formally than normal but in a way that is comfortable for them.

All families are invited to attend a special whole-school assembly at Knocknacarra Community Centre at Cappagh Park beginning promptly at 12.45.  The assembly will end at approximately 13.45.  All children will walk with staff back to the school and to their classrooms.  Parents should follow and meet their child at the exterior door of the classroom.  Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children from then onwards.  If parents are unable to attend, staff members will be with those children for the celebration in the school yard from 14.00 onwards.  There will be ice cream, coffee and entertainment.  If children are going to afterschool, parents must walk them over to the prefab (Infants and 1st Class) or 5th Class (2nd Class and above).

While we’d always recommend active transport, if parents are driving they should park at the Community Centre if at all possible or outside the school on the side of the road nearest the school only.  Please do not park in either neighbouring estate or on the footpaths. 

Voluntary Contribution

Last week your child should have brought home a letter and envelope related to our annual request for a voluntary contribution.  Your ongoing support has been invaluable.  While we stress this is voluntary, we are grateful for any contribution, large or small.  The easiest way to make a contribution is by bank transfer, but you can also use the envelope to make a cash donation and return it to the school.  Many thanks for your ongoing generosity!

Food Dudes Week

This week is Food Dudes Week.  For those of you unfamiliar with the programme, Food Dudes is designed to give children the opportunity to try various fruits and vegetables while learning about the importance of a balanced diet.  Junior Infants will receive a special lunch box to encourage them to bring fruits and vegetables for the morning snack.  All children in the school will be sampling a fruit and a vegetable each day this coming week for the morning snack.  Attached is a letter explaining more about the programme.

Sports Day

Sincere thanks to the many parent volunteers who helped out on Sports Day.  Everyone had a fun, active day.

Family Table Quiz

A reminder that we will have another family table quiz organised by the Parent- Teacher Association.  It will begin at 18.30 on Friday, 21st June at the school.  There is no charge to participate.  Teams of up to five people are welcome to participate.  Come along even if you don’t have a full team, and we’ll create teams.  There will be some fun prizes.  Do bring some food to share.

School Tours

The older classes in the school went on their school tours over the last two weeks.  They had lots of fun activities and learning.

3rd and 4th Class went to Athenry Heritage Centre and Jump Lanes.

5th Class attended the Let’s Go Camp at the University.

6th Class went to West Lake Aqua Park in Co Clare.