Parent-Teacher Association Meeting

The next PTA meeting will take place on Wednesday, 13th December at 19.00.  The first part of the meeting will focus on organising the upcoming assembly and potluck.  The second half of the meeting will be with the Board of Management to review the School Plan and begin planning for the relocation of the school.


Workshops for Parents

The Parent-Teacher Association is working on rescheduling the workshop on anti-bullying for parents by the National Parents’ Council.  Also, a second workshop is being organised on safe internet use.


Afterschool Clubs

A new series of afterschool clubs will commence in January.  Information about these clubs will be included in the next newsletter.


End-of-Term Assembly and Potluck

The end-of-term assembly will take place on Thursday, 21st December beginning at 12.30 at the Knocknacarra-Salthill GAA Club, which is where our events were held last year.  Children will be brought to the venue by bus from the school.  Following the assembly, there will be a potluck.  Parents are asked to bring something to share (enough for four other people).  If your child will be returning to the school on the bus, please let your child’s teacher know in advance.  Each class is asked to bring:

Junior Infants – Prepared fruit

Senior Infants – A sweet dish

First and Second Classes – A savoury dish

Our final day before the break will be Friday, 22nd December.  We’ll have lots of fun activities.  Children are encouraged to wear their best winter jumpers, and we’ll have a disco and do some fun activities.  There will be an early dismissal at noon.


Educate Together Second Level School

Are you interested in a 2nd level Educate Together school for your child? Make sure you sign an expression of interest form at and show your support for the campaign to establish a 2nd level ET school in Galway.


Science Week

Like Second Class, First Class went to visit the Galway Atlantaquaria for a tour and a chance to learn more about squid first-hand.  All the classes have continued to do a number of different science experiments and activities.


The children are enjoying a new Aistear theme: the post office.  They are busy writing letters, purchasing stamps and delivering the post.