Assembly and Potluck

The end-of-term assembly will take place on Thursday, 21st December beginning at 12.30 at the Knocknacarra-Salthill GAA Club, which is where our events were held last year.  A map showing the location is below.  Children will be brought to the venue by bus from the school.  Following the assembly, there will be a potluck.  Parents are asked to bring something to share (enough for four other people).  All parents, grandparents, family and friends are invited to join us for the occasion.  The Afterschool will be available, and children can return to the school on the bus.  A reminded that each class is asked to bring something for the potluck, enough to share for four people:

Junior Infants – Prepared fruit (for example, fruit skewers, chopped apples, grapes, etc.)

Senior Infants – A sweet dish or dessert

First and Second Classes – A savoury dish

There will be a collection on the day to support COPE Galway.


Last Day of Term

Our final day before the break will be Friday, 22nd December.  We’ll have lots of fun activities.  Children are encouraged to wear their best winter jumpers, and we’ll have a disco and do some fun activities.  There will be an early dismissal at noon.  School will reopen on Monday, 8th January.


Afterschool Clubs

A new series of afterschool clubs will commence in January.  Sign-up sheets will be posted on the notice board tomorrow morning.  The following clubs will be on offer:

Junior and Senior Infants – 13.30-14.30

Mondays – Music and Drama with Lisa and Matt

Starting Monday, 8th January and continuing for 11 weeks – €55

We will be working together to put together a musical (with singing, dancing and speaking) that will be performed for parents at the end of the last session.

Tuesdays – Arts and Crafts with Sylvia

Starting Tuesday, 9th January and continuing for 11 weeks – €66

Basketball for infants will resume in the Spring term.


First and Second Classes – 14.30-15.30

Mondays – Draughts and Chess with Vivienne

Starting Monday, 8th January and continuing for 6 weeks – €30

Tuesdays – Arts and Crafts with Sylvia

Starting Monday, 9th January and continuing for 11 weeks – €66

Thursdays – GAA (Hurling and Football) with Stephen

Starting Thursday, 12th January and continuing for 11 weeks (no session on 15th February) – €50

Basketball and athletics for first and second classes will resume after the mid-term break in February.


Galway Educate Together Second-Level Campaign

Did you know that enrolment figures published by the Department show an average increase of 300 each year for the last 5 years, indicating that all available post-primary places in Galway will be exceeded in September 2018?

If you agree with GET2LS that Galway needs a new second level school now, and that new second level school should be an Educate Together school, please go to and sign an expression of interest form today!


Regenerative Medicine Lesson

Vivienne, who is a CÚRAM Teacher-in-Residence, gave a fascinating lesson to First Class about how the body protects itself from disease and infection.  They also learned about stem cells by creating them from playdough as well as regenerative medicine.  The children learned about how animals such as axolat, seasquirts, starfish, flatworms, deer, lizards, spiders and sharks can regrow parts of their bodies.  They also learned about other animals that can’t regenerate body parts, like humans, and identified ways injuries in these animals are treated including prosthetics and new approaches in regenerative medicine.  Second Class will experience the lesson in the near future.

KETNS PTA Meeting Minutes – 13th December 2017, 7:30pm at the School

Attended by: Karolina Sexton, Gosia Michalak-Marchi, Clare Taylor King, Trish Darcy and Margaret Wright

Apologies: Diana Ilie, Matt Wallen, Vivienne Kelly, Celine Lonergan, Karen Rogan, Maggie Hall

The meeting was chaired by Chairwoman Karolina Sexton.


The minutes from November were read and approved.



  1. The annual Pot Luck will be hosted in the Aras Community Centre on Dr. Mannix Road on the 21st December. Every class will be asked to bring a dish to the event.

Junior Infants: Are asked to bring in prepared fruit.
Senior Infants: Are asked to bring in a sweet dish.
1st and 2nd Classes: Are asked to bring in a savoury dish.

Could parents please bring dishes directly to the Aras Community Centre and collect them there afterwards.  Please label all dishes with name of dish and ingredients

Volunteers for set-up beforehand and clean-up afterwards would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Charity – We have decided to collect for COPE this year. Collection for COPE will be made during the Pot-Luck. Look out for COPE collection buckets. All donations greatly appreciated.
  2. As of yet there is no new date for the free Anti-Bullying Workshop which was postponed due to family illness.