Anti-Bullying Workshop for Parents

The Anti-Bullying Workshop has been rescheduled for Tuesday, 13th February from 19.00-21.00 at the school.  This workshop will be facilitated by a representive of the National Parents’ Council.  All parents are invited to attend.


Early Dismissal

The Department of Education has asked school two close for two half-day periods to facilitate the training of staff in relation to new Child Protection procedures as well as to develop a Safeguarding Statement.  Therefore, the school will have an early dismissal at 12.00 on Wednesday, 14th February.  Sincere apologies for the short notice.  Afterschool @ KETNS will open at 12.00 that day.  Children who do not normally attend are welcome.  Please speak to Wioleta to book a place as soon as possible.


Mid-Term Break

A reminder that the school will be closed for two days for the mid-term break on Thursday, 15th and Friday 16th February.  Places are still available for the camp run by Afterschool @ KETNS.


School Closure

The school will be closed to facilitate a seminar for the teaching staff on the implementation of the new Primary Language Curriculum on Friday, 27th April.


Galway Educate Together Second-Level Meeting

The next meeting of Galway Educate Together second-level start-up group will take place on Friday 2nd February at 8pm at Galway Educate Together National School, Thomas Hynes Road, Newcastle. All are very welcome to attend!  Further information about the campaign for a second-level Educate Together school can be found at,  on Facebook or Twitter @get2ls.


Active School Flag

Our school has begun the process of completing requirements for the Active School Flag.  Several new initiatives to encourage physical activity among the pupils in the school will be launched over the next few months.  Firstly, outside of the usual reading and studying spellings and tables, the only homework on a Wednesday will be to do something active at home starting from next week.  In addition, we will be running regularly in the yard to reach a school distant goal.  More activities will follow soon!


Ceramics Workshop

All the children in the school greatly enjoyed the workshop on Wednesday.  Ceramic artist Tatiana Dobos led the process.  The infants made leaf impressions and other small sculptures.  The children in first and second class made coil pots.  It was great to see the children’s creativity and inventiveness.  The items will be fired and brought back to the school in about two weeks.  The infants will paint theirs before taking them home, and the children in first and second class will glaze theirs before they are fired for a second time.  Many thanks to the PTA who made this possible using money raised at the Spring Fair.

Knocknacarra Educate Together

Parent Teacher Association Meeting

31st January, 19.30


Present: Karolina, Trish, Bertrand, Cinzia, Martin, Matt, Celine, Karen, Aga, Armando

Apologies: Claire, Gosia, Maggie, Liz, Vivienne


Spring Fair – 21st April

  • Bouncy Castle to be booked (Claire)
  • Must plan to assume the event will be in our current premises
  • Determine workshops and location (perhaps upstairs, which Matt will confirm)
  • Raffle Tickets – to be sold again in advance, letter to be made ready before the next meeting to take to businesses (Matt), prizes must be confirmed by early March
  • Consider doing first class funfair activities again
  • Will decide if space allows for a market again
  • Café will continue – suggestion that healthy options are available and no fizzy drinks
  • Need to find a replacement for the barriers
  • Bricí Spraoi has been booked for the day

Building Relocation

  • The Department is to carry out a technical inspection on the proposed new premises but no timeline has been given.
  • The Board of Management will follow up.

Anti-Bullying Policy

  • Karen will do more research.

Gifts for Teachers

  • Looked at a policy from another Educate Together school
  • The group discussed some options and Karen is going to write a statement that will be agreed at the next meeting to be included in the minutes

Active Flag

  • Vivienne is the lead teacher
  • One day of no written homework per week to encourage physical activity
  • Activities introduced while waiting in line after yard time
  • Running initiative to follow where we will count laps in the yard

Green Flag

  • We will start the process formally when relocated in the new school


  • The school is on a waiting list to participate in this initiative related to promoting the Irish language in the school community

National Parent Council Workshops

  • Anti-bullying Workshop scheduled for 13th February at 7 pm
  • Internet Workshop to be arrange later in the 3rd term or next year

PTA Workshops

  • Pottery workshop took place today with Tatiana Dobos
  • In the first term we had bilingual drama workshops with Micheál
  • Projects with Mairtín to take place in the third term with 1st and 2nd classes
  • Bricí Spraoi (The Imagination Playground) has been booked for one week
  • Bertrand will arrange for visits by musicians
  • Possibility of one more workshop, especially for the infants, in the third term

Next Meeting: Wednesday, 21st February at 19.30