Spring Fair Raffle

Hopefully you found the tickets for the Spring Fair raffle in your child’s homework folder.  This is an important part of our annual fundraiser for the school.  If parents are unable to sell the raffle tickets, please return any unsold tickets to the school.  Ticket stubs and money for tickets can be returned to Claudia.


Upcoming School Closures

Friday, 13th April – Early dismissal at 12.00 to facilitate child-protection trainig for staff

Friday, 27th April – School closed for teacher inservice related to the New Primary Language Curriculum

Afterschool @ KETNS will be available on both occasions.  Please contact Wioleta or Jenni to book a place.



A reminder that children in 1st and 2nd Classes will have 8 swimming sessions beginning on Wednesday, 11th April.  Please ensure permission forms are returned in advance.


After-school Clubs

A new term of After-school Clubs will start after we return from Spring Break.  If you haven’t signed up yet, there may be places available, especially for the clubs for 1st and 2nd Classes.

The newest club is a Drama Skills Workshop for 1st and 2nd Class with Dan on Fridays. This activity is about confidence building, understanding feelings and developing empathy. It will include tasks and challenges to help improve communication skills, self expression, body language, eye contact, creative thinking. There won’t be a final grand performance, but children will get the chance each week to practise performance skills in a safe and sympathetic environment whilst having fun!  Themes include Mermaids and Magicians, Wild West, Superheroes and Alien Planets!

The following clubs will be on offer this final term:

Junior and Senior Infants – 13.30-14.30

Mondays – Basketball and Athletics with Matt – €40 – 16th April – 18th June (no session on 09/04, 07/05 or 04/06)

Tuesdays – Arts and Crafts with Sylvia – €55- 10th April – 19th June (no session on 08/05 or 05/06)

1st and 2nd Classes – 14.30-15.30

Mondays – Basketball with Vivienne – €40 – 9th April – 18th June (no sessions on 07/05, 21/05 or 04/06)

Tuesdays – Arts and Crafts with Sylvia – €55 – 10th April – 19th June (no session on 08/05 or 05/06)

Wednesdays – Athletics with Vivienne – €50 – 11th April – 20th June (no session on  18/04)

Thursdays – Soccer with Stephen – €55 – 12th April – 21st June

Fridays – Drama with Dan – €55 – 13th April – 22nd June



We have received a letter on behalf of the management company for the shopping centre warning us that clamping will be in operation for any cars parked on double-yellow lines on the roads near the school.  Parking is available in the shopping centre for a maximum of three hours.  We are very aware that drop-off and collection times are challenging at our current location and appreciate your patience.  As soon as we have information about our relocation, we will pass it on to parents.


Drámaí Gaeilge

Bhí an scoil an-ghnóthach le drámaíocht Gaeilge an seachtain seo caite.  Bhí léiriú ag na Naíonáin Mhóra den dráma Cinnín Óir agus na Trí Bhéar.  Chuir Rang a hAon Jeaic agus an Gas Pónaire i láthair.  Maith sibh, Naíonáin Mhóra agus Rang a hAon!


Ranganna Gaeilge do Thuismitheoirí (Irish Classes for Parents)

A reminder that Irish classes will commence on Wednesday, 11th Paril from 19.00-20.00 at the school.  All are welcome!



Bertrand arranged another fantastic visit from musicians, this time John and Pat who play brass instruments.  The children enjoyed the music very much, and a few even got a chance to try out playing a cornet.

Another Visitor

Jenni and Karen brought a little visitor to see the junior and senior infants.  The little lamb was a very popular visitor for the children.