School Closure

A reminder that the school will be closed on Friday, 27th April when the teachers will be attending an in-service day on the new Primary Language Curriculum.


Spring Fair

Many thanks to everyone who helped make the Spring Fair a great success.  Special thanks to the parents to volunteered, everyone who baked/cooked for the café, the staff for their hard work, the workshop leaders for generously sharing their time and energy, the members of the Parent-Teacher Association who organised the day and the raffle, all the local businesses who donated prizes for the raffle, the First Class children for organising great activities and everyone who came on the day to support the event.  We’ll announce the fundraising soon, but more importantly, it was a fun day for everyone in our school community.  For more photos from the day, follow this link.


After-School Clubs

Due to a lack of interest, the Athletics Club will not continue this term.  Any  payment received already will be refunded.  Also, the basketball session for First and Second Classes will be postponed from tomorrow (24/04) to Wednesday (26/04).


Ranganna Gaeilge do Thuismitheoirí

There will be no Irish class this Wednesday (26/04).  We’ll resume on Wednesday, 2nd March.  All are welcome to join us whether you’ve attended the first two classes or not.


Active School Week

We look forward to marking Active School Week.  Every day this week, the children will engage in at least one physical activity.  Follow updates on the website.  We hope to organise a “walking bus” where the Parent-Teacher Association will organise meeting together and walking together to the school on Wednesday.  More details will follow.

As usual, other than reading and studying spellings and tables, the homework on Wednesday is to do something active.  We’re looking for parents to take a photo of your child doing the activity so we can share ideas with each other on the website.  If you have a chance to take a photo, please send it to Matt to be added to the newsletter.

Finally, as part of National Active Week, Leisureland is offering free swimming sessions 17.45-19.15 tomorrow (Monday) and Friday.


Infants Outing

The Junior and Senior Infants had a very busy Friday.  We headed to the city centre to visit the Galway City Museum.  Then, we headed to Westside Playground for launch and play.  Finally, we ended the day at Westside Library.  Forms for applying for a library card are available from Matt and Áine so families can return to the library to borrow books.  For more photos, click on the photo below.