The End of Another Year

As we come to the close of another year, it is with great excitement that we look towards the next chapter as we will relocate to a permanent school building soon.  Many thanks to the staff for all their efforts this year.  Special thanks to the Board of Management and Parent-Teacher Association who work so hard on behalf of the children.  A big thank you to all the parents for all your contributions to the school and your support for your child’s education.  Finally, a big thank you to all the children of the school who have all worked so hard this year and who continue to help shape our growing and thriving learning community.  Have a safe and relaxing summer!

First Day of School

The first day of school will be Thursday, 30th August.  We anticipate being in the new location by then.  If anything changes, we will be in contact via email and text.

New Second-Level School

Calling all parents from the current 1st and 2nd Classes!  If you haven’t already participated in the process determine the patronage of the new second-level school, please do so as soon as possible.  The deadline to vote is 30th July.  More information on how to vote for Educate Together as patron of Galway’s newest 2nd level school can be found at Don’t forget to talk to friends and family who have children in other schools to encourage them to vote. If you’re wondering how you can help, please email and join GET2LS supporters on Facebook  If anyone is having difficulty completing the form online, please contact Matt or Claudia at the school who would be happy to help.

For those who were unable to attend the previous public meeting, GET2LS are holding a second public meeting about the new second-level school and Educate Together’s application for patronage this Monday, 9th July at 20.00 in the Maldron Hotel, Oranmore. Dr Laura Dooley, the second-level Education Officer, will be speaking on behalf of Educate Together. All are welcome to attend in order to show support and to learn how Educate Together 2nd level schools (and the process to award patronage) work.

School Expenses

Many thanks to the parents who have paid the school expenses for the coming year!  This money is used to purchase all school books, all pupil staitonery, arts and crafts materials, photocopying expenses and the Educate Together annual subscription.  The expenses are €80 for Senior Infants and €90 for first class and above.  We’re asking parents to pay €40 now and the balance in September.  Equally, you can pay all of it now if you wish.  The easiest way is to make a bank transfer.

Infants School Tour

Junior and Senior Infants had a great day the the Atlantaquaria and Monkey Business.

Teastais (Certificates)

Minister Seán Kyne presented a certificate to each child in First and Second Class who participated in the biliginual woodworking projects this year.

Sports Day and End-of-Year Assembly

It was a busy end-of-term with lots of activities. Sincere thanks to all the parents who assisted with the Sports Day activities.  You were all superb.  Also, many thanks to all the parents who brought so many delicious things for the potlouck.  Pictures from Sports Day can be viewed here.

Knocknacarra Educate Together NS – Board of Management Meeting – 14th June 2018, 20.00

Present: Louise Shields (chairperson and patron nominee), Maggie Hall (patron nominee), Lynn Morgans (female parent nominee nominee), Waqas Khawaja (male parent nominee), Áine Ní Chuinneagáin (teacher nominee) and Matt Wallen (principal and secretary)

Apologies: Elaine Keane (community nominee) and Paul Adams (community nominee)

Louise chaired the meeting.

May Minutes

The minutes from May were agreed.

Principal’s Report


  • There are currently 102 pupils enrolled. Projected enrolment for September is 134.


  • A draft class allocation has been completed.
  • The developing post has been advertised, initially as a fixed-term contract until the end of October. Assuming required enrolment is reached (119) and the post is not required for the panel, it can then be filled through a new.  The SNA post (0.75 for one year to cover Clare’s career break) has also been advertised.  Interviews will take place in early July.


  • Illness continues to affect negatively attendance, with several cases of chicken pox still in the school. Fifteen children have been absent for more than 20 days, and this will be reported to Túsla.  3 children continue to have perfect attendance.  The attendance year-to-date is just under 93%. Attendance certificates will be given to those children (currently 13) who were present for 98% of the year or more at the end-of-year assembly.

Curriculum Development

  • The Learn Together and PE curriculum plans are in progress, and but the consultation with staff members will be completed in September.


  • Draft policies on Homework and Class Allocation are ready for consideration by the Board.

Misc. Events/Information

  • Irish language classes for parents continue for the rest of the term on Wednesday evenings.
  • The school was well-represented at the Irish Language Plan meeting. A group of children from first and second class sang very well and Matt spoke about his experience learning Irish as an adult as well as the language classes for parents.
  • Eight children represented the school at the Galway City Athletics competition later this month.
  • School tours have been scheduled for Friday, 22nd and Monday, 25th The Infants will be going to the Aquarium and Monkey Business.  1st and 2nd Class will be going to the Burren Nature Centre.
  • Pupil Portfolio Sharing Meetings have been completed.
  • The school was successful with its application for the Creative Schools pilot project from the Arts Council. Margaret and Matt completed the application with support from other staff members.  It will mean an arts officer will be assigned to the school next year and we will receive an additional €2000 in funding.
  • The school has also applied for an Artist-in-Residence scheme through Galway City Council.
  • Mairtín Davy Ó Coisdealbha has returned to complete wood-working projects with first and second class. This is a bilingual project.  Minister Seán Kyne will present certificates to the children at the end-of-year assembly.
  • Standardised tests have been administered and results will be reported to parents and the Department, as required.
  • The school will have the assembly at the Knocknacarra GAA Hall on 26th June at 10.00. This will be followed by sports day activities.  The day will end with a potluck.  The last day of school, the 27th June, will have an early dismissal at 12.00.

Financial Report

Budget targets for the year are on target.  Some major spending will take place this summer related to ICT, furniture, books and expenses related to the new school building.

PTA Report

The parents and teachers are organising the end-of-term potluck and sports day.

Relocation Update

Louise and Matt will meet with the Steiner School next week to discuss the co-location policy.  We will continue to follow up with the Department regarding the tendering process for remedial works to the building.

Homework Policy

The policy was discussed and ratified by the Board.

Staff Allocation Policy

The policy was discussed and ratified after agreeing a minor change.

Standardised Testing

The Board reviewed the standardized testing results and Matt explained plans for support teaching and school self-evaluation next year in light of the results.

Staffing Allocation

Matt presented the staff allocation, which was agreed by the Board.

Junior Infants – Vivienne Kelly

Senior Infants – Matt Wallen

First Class – Margaret Wright

Second Class – Eileen Duffy

Third Class – Áine Ní Chuinneagáin

Support Teacher – Ciara Jordan

Share Support Teacher – To be appointed

SNA timetabling will be confirmed with individual parents once recruitment is complete.