Hospice Coffee Morning

Many thanks to Vivienne and the Parent-Teacher Association for organising the coffee morning.  A special thanks to those who baked and everyone who supported the event.  It was great to see parents, staff members and community residents come together to support the event.  Over €200 was raised for Galway Hospice.


Morning Drop-offs

Many thanks to everyone for helping to making the morning traffic flow smoothly.  A friendly reminder that unless a child is participating in the Breakfast Club, we cannot provide supervision prior to 8.40.  Please ensure you wait with your child until supervision starts.


Afterschool Clubs

Afterschool Clubs start tomorrow.  It’s not too late to sign up.  Book your child’s place by speaking with Claudia.

Junior and Senior Infants – 13.30-14.30

Mondays – Basketball with Matt

Tuesdays – Arts and Crafts with Sylvia

Wednesdays – Soccer Skills with Diana

Thursdays – Superhero Training with Miss Laurie of Stepping Up Dance Arts

First through Third Classes – 14.30-15.30

Mondays – Chess and Draughts with Vivienne

Tuesdays – Arts and Crafts with Sylvia

Wednesdays – Gaelic Football with Andy

Thursday – Superhero Training with Miss Laurie of Stepping Up Dance Arts

Fridays – Athletics with Matt


Ranganna Gaeilge

Our first Irish class for parents will take place on Wednesday, 26th from 19.00-20.00.  All are welcome regardless of ability or experience with Irish.


Walk for National Fitness Day

A walk in Cappagh Park will take place on Thursday, Sept 27th for National Fitness Day from 6.30-7.30 pm. There will be 1k, 3k and 5k loops.  It would be great to get as many families involved as possible to advocate fitness & activity. For more information, visit http://nationalfitnessday.ie/participants/ (search for “Carrie Small Plate Health & Fitness, Galway”) or www.facebook.com/events/1588840887886901/.