End-of-Year Reports

End-of-year reports will be available from your child’s class teacher tomorrow at home time.  We are only able to give this to parents directly.  If you child is staying afterschool, reports can be collected from Matt in the office until 6. 

End-of-Term Assemblies

A reminder that we will have two assemblies.  Our first one is on Friday for the infants at 13.00.  The yard will be open for parking from 12.45 onwards, and we’d encourage parents to fill that first.  Someone will be helping to maximise the parking.  The second assembly for 1st, 2nd and 3rd class will be on Tuesday, 25th June at 14.00 and the year will be open for parking from 13.45 onwards.  Both assemblies will be followed by an ice cream party for everyone.  The last day of school is Wednesday, 26th June, with an early dismissal at 12.00 on that day.

City Sports

Well done to the 13 children who represented the school so ably at the Galway City Sports Competition this past Tuesday!  Everyone ran their races well!

Sports Day

Sincere thanks to the many parent volunteers who helped lead activities on Sports Day last Friday.  It was great to have so many people involved and helping our school be active.  Sadly, the weather wasn’t cooperative for the whole day, but the children (and hopefully the adults too!) all had lots of fun.

Sports Committee

The Sports Committee will meet again on Monday evening at 18.00 to plan for work to be done over the summer.  All are welcome to join us!

An Garbhán

Maith sibh, rang a dó!  Their performance of An Garbhán (The Gruffalo) was superb!

  1st and 2nd Class School Tour

First and Second Class had a great day on their tour to Brigit’s Garden this week.