Our first Student Council was organised in 2018-2019. The Council is made up of two representatives from 1st Class and above as well as Ciara, Margaret and Claire. They engage in a number of activities in the school and the wider community. The Council provides input on policies, organises activities for the school community and leads charitable fundraisers in the school. The Student Council also is leading our effort to become a UNICEF Child Rights School.

Student Council 2022-2023

Our Rights

The Student Council asked many children about what rights the children in our school believe are most important, and they ...

Student Council

The Student Council have been rewriting the KETNS Code of Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy into language which is more accessible ...

New postbox for song suggestions

Song suggestions for the Friday disco can now go into the postbox in the hall. This is so there will ...

Pyjama Day At KETNS

On Friday the 9th of June, we had a fundraiser for UNICEF. After a voting process among all the class, ...

Young Authors inspired by the Child Rights Charter

We are very proud of Tess in 2nd Class because she has won a merit for the short story she ...

A visit to the Irish Centre for Human Rights

On the 5th of May our Student Council visited the Irish Centre for Human Rights in the University of Galway ...

Flirt FM Radio Takeover

It was a very exciting experience for Student Council to get the opportunity to create their own radio programme in ...

Principal for an Hour

As part of our Child Rights Week, children from each class got to be principal for an hour. They helped ...

Student Council Write for the Newspaper

November 2022 The Student Council wrote an article which was published in the Galway City Tribune. The article can be ...

World Children’s Day 2022

The entire school community marked today as World Children's Day. This date is chosen because it was on 20th November ...