Return to School Continues
We look forward to welcoming back 3rd, 4th and 5th Class from Monday, 15th March. The revised COVID-19 Response Plan, as discussed when the younger classes, will apply. Many thanks to those parents for not congregating at drop-off and collection times. For children in 3rd to 5th class, a Return to School Declaration will need to be completed Sunday evening.
It will be available on Aladdin Connect from 15.00 on Sunday evening. Tá sceitimíní orainn na páistí ar fad a fheiceál ar ais ar scoil! (We are excited to see all the children back at school!)

Return to School Declarations
As part of the COVID-19 Response Plan, parents must complete a Return to School Declaration after any absence. This becomes available through Aladdin Connect in the afternoon following an absence. Many thanks for your cooperation with this.

Lá Fhéile Pádraig and Spring Break
The school will be closed on 17th March for St Patrick’s Day. Also, please note our last day before the Spring Break will be Friday, 26th March. The school will reopen
on Monday, 12th April.

Whole-School Assembly
Our next whole-school assembly will take place on Friday. Please note, it will take place at 9.30. While most will be in the school, many will be joining from home. Beimid ag céiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge. We’ll also look at the logos and mottos submitted for the Green School campaign.

We’ll have one more online quiz on Thursday for those children learning from home. The quiz will be on Thursday at 13.30. All the information on how to participate will be available on Seesaw for 3rd Class and as usual on Google Classroom for 4th and 5th Class.

Seachtain na Gaeilge
Táimid ag céiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge. Seo iad cúpla frása éasca a bhaint úsáid as abhaile. (We are celebrating Irish Language Week. Here are a couple of easy phrases to use at home. We will try to share more over the coming weeks.)

Cén chaoi ina bhfuil tú? (cane kwee in-uh will too) – How are you?
Tá mé go breá/maith/dona. (tah may go brah/mah/du-nuh) – I’m great/well/bad.
Go raibh maith agat! (guh rev mah u-gut) – Thank you!
Slán! (slawn) – Goodbye!
Oíche mhaith! (ee-huh wah) – Good night!
Codladh sámh! (cull-uh sahv) – Sleep well!

Lunch Ideas
As suggested at the recent Parent-Teacher Association meeting, we have asked the children for ideas for healthy lunches to help parents identify some new possibilities. It is already clear that parents are doing a great job in providing healthy options. Even more apparent, it is so fantastic to see families working so hard to reduce unnecessary packaging in lunches. In fact, the vast majority of children are bringing lunches without any single-use plastic, which is a great achievement as we work towards our Green Flag. We have found that it is helpful for things to be chopped
and prepared, especially vegetables. Also, many families have invested in flasks/thermoses that allow children to bring in hot food items. Below are all the
great suggestions they have made.

Fruit: strawberries, apples, grapes, watermelon, kiwi, oranges, pears, bananas, blueberries, dates, raisins

Vegetables: carrots, peppers, cucumbers, celery, salad, beetroot, sugarsnap peas, tomatoes (cherry or sliced), broccoli, olives

Wraps, pitta pockets and sandwiches: ham, cheese slices, cream cheese, hummus, vegetables (potato, beetroot, beans, cabbage, tomato), chicken, sausage, boiled egg, salami

Cooked options: pasta with green pesto or tomato sauce, dal and rice, sticky rice, vegetable stir fry, noodles

Other items: yogurt, smoothie, crackers, naan, homemade bread rolls, granola and yogurt, popcorn, rice cakes

World Book Day
Thank you to everybody who joined in the fun of dressing up as a character from a book last Friday. We had a great assembly and enjoyed celebrating books. Children in the younger classes received a paper book token. For those in the older classes, you can use find a digital token by following this link.

World Book Day
Drawing the beautiful daffodils in the school garden