Support Our Raffle

The Parent-Teacher Association has organised an online raffle. Anyone is welcome to purchase tickets from our website using a credit card or arranging a bank transfer. Tickets go on sale from today. All money raised will support arts and sports programmes in the school.
Tickets are €2 or 3 tickets for €5. The final date to purchase tickets is Thursday, 27th May. The draw will take place on Friday, 28th May, and winners will be notified. The full list of great prizes can be found on the website. Please feel free to email the link to family and friends. We will also create a Facebook post early next week. Please like and share the post. All details about the raffle can be found at

Active School Week

During the week before the mid-term break, all the classes did many things to mark Active School Week. It is great to see our Active School continue to provide a range of activities to promote fitness, wellness and exercise. Visit the website ( to see updates from all the classes.

New Science Kits

A big thank you Medtronic, with the help of Marc (Anya’s dad), for sponsoring the purchase of fantastic kits to support the teaching science in our school. Rang IV has been using the Light box to explore reflection.

After-school Clubs

The various after-school clubs are up and running. There are still spaces available for Superhero Training on Thursdays for Senior Infants. A reminder that parents should pay the activity leaders directly.

Creative Schools
This week was Creative Schools Week. We are working on various aspects of our project related to Barna Woods. This week the older classes all visited Barna Woods to explore circus skills with Amélie. They all had a fantastic time. 1st-3rd Classes had a final online session with Kim and created 3D versions of their creatures. The final stage of the project is to use the movements and creatures to create some enjoyable games using coding with 4th and 5th Classes. Sincere thanks to the Arts Council for funding this project.

Rang III made model Viking long ships using recyclables
3D creatures!
A tree pose on a tree!
Circus skills in the woods!

Dear Parent,
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is an integral part of the Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) Curriculum. The sensitive elements of the RSE programme are covered under the strand units, ‘Growing and Changing’ and ‘Taking Care of my Body’. We will be completing these strand units with all class levels in the forthcoming weeks.
The RSE Policy for the school is available on the school website and provides details about this part of the curriculum, particularly the specific language and topics that will be presented. You are also welcome to view the teaching materials we will be using.
The table below summarises the curriculum topics, with the sensitive content areas in bold.

The class teacher will send home appropriate home school links pages from the Relationships and Sexuality Education manual which outline the material that will be covered in class and encourage further discussion on the topics at home.
If you have any questions or concerns, please make an appointment to see the class teacher.
Yours sincerely,