Weather Warning
A weather alert has been issued for tomorrow. County Galway, it is currently on orange warning. We are keeping an eye on the updates. As stated in our Exceptional Closure Policy, the school will close if a red warning issues.

Parent-Teacher Meetings
The last parent-teacher meetings are taking place this week and will finish up early next week. We hope they have been a positive opportunity to have a conversation with your child’s teacher. Sincere thanks to the teachers for the preparation of the written reports and for the phone calls!

Revised COVID-19 Response Plan
In light of the directives from the Department of Education related to the wearing of face coverings by children in 3rd Class and up, the Board of Management has revised the school’s COVID-19 Response Plan, which is attached to this newsletter. With a high level of patience and understanding, children must wear the face coverings except at the following times:

  • All outdoor activities
  • Indoor PE activities
  • During lunch breaks
  • When drinking water throughout the day
    The school is grateful for your cooperation with
    this temporary situation. Also, sincere thanks to
    the pupils who are already doing a great job of
    managing this change. Please contact Matt if you
    have any questions or concerns.

3rd Class Project – Be Kind Collection
Many thanks to everyone for your continued contributions for our collection. The response so far has been tremendous. This week everyone is asked to bring in toiletries. They can be brought to your child’s class and then gathered later in 3rd

Thanks for your generosity so far!