A Note of Gratitude
As we come to the end of this school term, sincere thanks to every member of our school community who has worked so hard to manage to many challenging situations. A huge thanks to all the parents for your continued efforts to help
keep our school community safe and for your ongoing support of your children’s learning. Sincere thanks to the staff who have kept everything going and worked so hard to create positive learning experiences in unusual circumstances. Finally, a note of thanks to the children of the school who have always managed to bring joy, energy
and enthusiasm each day. We hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable break. We wish those who will celebrate a very happy Christmas and to one and all good wishes for the new year ahead

End-of-Term Events
The classes have been busy preparing video assemblies for families to view together at home. The link for your child’s class will be emailed tomorrow. A reminder that these videos are meant for the families of the school only, so please don’t share them on social media. Well done to the children and staff for all your hard work!

On Tuesday we will have a Jazzy Winter Jumper Day. Everyone is encouraged to dress festively. We will also be having a collection in support of Focus Ireland, an
organisation that provides aids to families in danger of homelessness. We’ll have a special disco in the yard that day.

On Wednesday, classes will enjoy fun activities to celebrate the end of the term. Children are encouraged to bring in a treat for themselves.

Winter Break
The school will be closed for two weeks. Our final day of the term is Wednesday, 22nd December. There will be an early dismissal that day at 11.50 for Infants and 12.00 for the other classes. Afterschool @ KETNS will operate as normal that day. The school re-opens on Thursday, 6th January.

Galway City Environment Calendar
Congratulations to Frieda and Afnan in 2nd Class whose artwork features in the Galway City Primary Schools Environment Calendar. We have 100 copies to distribute. They’ll be on offer tomorrow morning, one per family, until
supplies run out.

Parent Power Project
Last year some of the parents from our current 1st Class learned about a new programme called Parent Power. This programme is intended to support parents in ensuring the health and wellbeing of their children by spending time together as a family, managing sleep and screen time, providing opportunities for sports and hobbies and encouraging parents to work together. An information booklet and calendar will be sent home with children in Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class. More details about the project will be forthcoming in the new year including interactive workshops for parents.

A large number of coats, hats, scarves and gloves have been left behind, particularly as the recent warm weather has settled in. Please take a look at the table of lost and found that will be displayed outside tomorrow morning. Even more helpful, as children don’t always seem to recognise their own items, please label them, which helps us easily return items to the correct owners.

3 rd Class Project – Be Kind Collection
Huge thanks to everyone for your kind generosity in supporting the collection. Vincent’s expressed gratitude to our school community for such an outstanding effort. Your donations will help many families in the local area.