Spring Fair
The Parent-Teacher Association is delighted to be hosting our annual Spring Fair on Saturday, 28th May from 12.00 to 16.00. This is our regular fundraiser and school-community event, and we are pleased to have it taking place for the first time in 3 years. For those who haven’t been to a Spring Fair in this past, this is a fun family event that takes place at the school. Anyone is welcome to attend. A variety of activities take place, and all the money raised goes to support visiting guest teachers
(for example, the gymnastic teacher who gave lessons to all the classes this past autumn) and special projects for the school.
Unfortunately for insurance reasons, we are unable to have bouncy castles at this year’s fair. Even so, there will be many things to look forward to on the day including:

  • A café
  • A craft market
  • Face painting
  • Bingo
  • A silent disco
  • Carnival games
  • Workshops
  • A giant obstacle course

The day’s success depends on volunteers who help run the various activities. If each parent can volunteer for one hour, we will be able to have a fantastic day while supporting our school. It might be wise to pair up with a parent from your child’s class, taking turns enjoying the activities with the children and helping out. A sign-up will be set up next week so that we can be sure we have enough volunteers.

In addition, we will have a raffle. Many thanks to the parents who have gathered great prizes. We will be making tickets and sending them out to families in advance of the fair. If you are unable to sell the tickets, just return them back to the school. We hope to make it possible to purchase tickets online, and they will also be available during the fair.
We look forward to a great day and a chance to have much fun as a school community. Many thanks in advance for your support!

Early Dismissal
The school will have an early dismissal on Friday, 3rd June. This is to facilitate another staff training session related to the Primary Language Curriculum. The day will end at 11.50 for infants and 12.00 for other classes. Afterschool @ KETNS
will operate that afternoon.

June Bank Holiday
As announced previously, the school will be closed for three days for the June Bank holiday from Monday, 6th June through Wednesday, 8th June inclusive. The school will reopen on Thursday, 9th June. Afterschool @ KETNS will host a two-day camp on the 7th and 8th June.

Women’s Health Event
A health and wellness workshop for women from ethnic minorities who may miss the opportunity to avail of basic government services due to language or cultural barriers is being organised. Given current times post-pandemic and with the escalation in conflict in European and Middle Eastern regions, many communities are vulnerable and could benefit from a little extra empathy. The event takes place on Thursday, 12th May. This is a free event but registration is required. Visit www.eventbrite.ie/e/womenswellness-workshop-irish-integration-conference-2022-ticekts-328715114757.

Several of the classes enjoyed a fantastic performance by Branar of the show Rothar last Friday. Many thanks to previous PTA fundraising that made this and other such
special events possible.