Coffee Morning for Hospice
We’ll have our annual Coffee Morning in aid of Galway Hospice this Friday morning, the 16th September. Children are encouraged to bring in a special treat and a donation for the Hospice. Parents are invited to have a cup of coffee in the hall between 9 and 10. Any baked donations to share are welcome. If you’re able to stay, please park at Cappagh Park so that the drop-off for both schools runs smoothly.

Book Rental
By now, parents of children from 2nd Class to 6th Class should have seen a contract for the book rental scheme in our scheme. While we have had a book rental programme for a number of years, we are formalising it to ensure its longterm success. The book rental scheme is great for saving parents money as well as contributing to our Green School goals. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.

Afterschool Clubs
We do intend to offer a range of afterschool clubs, most likely starting in two weeks time. Once the details are finalised we will publicise the options in the next newsletter.

Dropoff and Collection
Continued thanks for your support and assistance in making the drop-off and collection run smoothly. A reminder that all pedestrians and cyclists should use the second (main) gate as the first one is reserved for staff cars. Also, we ask once again for respect to our neighbours to ensure that the estates are never blocked and the traffic flows easily.

Rang a dó painted colour wheels and learning about primary
and secondary colours.

Healthy Eating
A reminder that we have a Healthy Eating Policy that was drafted and agreed by the Parent-Teacher Association. The main thing to think about is trying to include fresh fruit and vegetables in your child’s lunch. Certain items should not be brought to school including crisps, sweets, chocolate and anything with a high sugar contact. We also recommend use of a reusable bottle. We have extras in the school if anyone requires one. The full policy, as well as others, is available at our website:

Rang a hAon did an outdoor maths lesson