Parent-Teacher Meetings
A reminder that Parent-Teacher Meetings will take place on Tuesday, 29th November from 15.00-19.00 and Thursday, 1st December from 15.00-18.00. If
you haven’t already made an appointment, you can sign up using the Aladdin Connect App or website. Please remember to indiciate if you would prefer a
phone call rather than a face-to-face meeting. If you are having any difficulties making an appointment, please phone the school or email you child’s class

Parent-Teacher Association AGM
Our annual Parent-Teacher Association AGM will take place on Tuesday, 29th November at 19.00 at the school. All parents are invited to attend. The agenda for the meeting includes electing officers for the coming year, planning the upcoming assemblies and potlucks, preparing for consultation among parents about our new school plan and early planning for the Spring Fair. Please join us if you can.

County Photos
The deadline for returning school photo orders is Wednesday, 30th November. The easiest method is to order online, or you can return the form with payment to the school.

Open Evening
We will be having an Open Evening on Wednesday, 7th December from 18.30 to 20.00. We are delighted that the first group of School Ambassadors (6th Class
pupils who have undergone training in order to represent our school) will be on hand as well as some staff members to answer question from prospective families. Please pass on the details to friends and neighbours who may have an interest in learning more about the school.

End-of-Term Assemblies and Potlucks
Our assemblies and potlucks will take place in December in the school hall. Families are invited to bring something for the shared meal, enough to feed 4-6 others and either a starter, main or dessert.

 Monday, 12th December, 13.15 – 5th & 6th

 Class Tuesday, 13th December, 12.45 – Junior & Senior Infants
 Thursday, 15th December, 13.15 – 1st & 2nd Class
 Friday, 16th December, 13.15 – 3rd & 4th Class

Drop-off and Collection
Thank you for your continued cooperation in making the drop-off and collection run smoothly. We appeal again to parents to be patient and avoid turning in the middle of the road or mounting the footpath, particularly when pedestrians are present. Also, please be cautious opening doors to avoid injuring any passing pedestrians. Finally, please kindly refrain from leaving cars idling unnecessarily as the pollutants have a negative impact on the children who are walking on the adjacent footpaths. Thanks!

World Children’s Day
We had a great week celebrating World Children’s Day and launching the beginning of our work towards becoming a UNICEF Child Rights School. Mayor Clodagh Higgins visited the school Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, the children of the school
were on Flirt FM. If you didn’t get a chance to hear the programme, you can listen back using this link. The school featured in the City Tribune as well. As part of the child take-over week, a number of children taught lessons and many children had the
experience of being principal of the school for an hour. Many thanks to the Student Council for organizing the week, and we look forward to discovering more ways to include children’s voice in our learning community.

Senior Infants celebrating the launch of the UNICEF Child
Rights School programme
The Student Council speaking with the Mayor
Recording for Flirt FM
Children in several classes taught lessons throughout the
Several children were principals for the hour and helped do
various tasks around the school and assist in making

Anti-Bullying Week
Last week 4th Class wrote and performed plays for all the classes to teach about what bullying is and what to do if they witness or experience bullying. Their performances were fantastic!

Members of Rang a 4 performing their anto-bullying play
for Rang a 6

Anti-Bullying Week
Last week 4th Class wrote and performed plays for all the classes to teach about what bullying is and what to do if they witness or experience bullying. Their performances were fantastic!

Science Week
In addition to more science activities in the school, 5th and 6th Class went to a science workshop at the City Museum. They also visited the City Library