Video Created by 2nd Class
Second Class worked with filmmaker Paul Murphy to create a short film titled Before 9 about what happens in our school during the first few minutes of each day.
You can view the video using this link:

Upcoming School Closure
A reminder that the school will be closed for the new February Bank Holiday on Monday, 6th February.

Community Meeting
We hope that as many of you as possible can attend the Community Meeting on Sunday, 22nd January starting at 13.00 and finishing at 15.30. A reminder that we will begin with a potluck (please bring something savoury if your surname begins with A-R and something sweet if your surname begins with S-Z) and then have facilitated conversations and activities to determine long-term goals for our school community.
Please RSVP using this online form:

Afterschool Clubs
Afterschool clubs start this week. Due to demand, a second soccer session with Enda will be offered on Fridays from 14.30-15.30. Please sign up with Claudia in the office. There are some spaces available for Latchhook Rugmaking for 3rd to 6th Class (Thursdays, 14.30 to 15.30), Superhero Training for Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class (Thursdays, 14.30 to 15.30 – apologies for any confusion related to the time for this class in the last newsletter) and Music and Drama for Junior and Senior Infants (Fridays, 13.30 to 14.30).

Parking at Drop-off and Collection
We appreciate your continued cooperation in managing the drop-off and collection. Particularly in the afternoons, we’d kindly ask parents not to enter the housing estates and to be certain that the traffic is never blocked or any drives. Please also avoid parking in any way that blocks the paths. Thanks!

Comhghairdeas leis na buaiteoirí sa Chomortas Geansaí an Gheimhridh a bhí eagraithe ag Coiste na Gaelbhrataí.
(Congratulations to the winners of the Winter Jumper Competition organised by the Gaelbhratach Committee.)