A Breakfast Club is run to facilitate early drop-offs.  Breakfast Club is a drop-in service and parents don’t need to reserve a place in advance. All children enrolled in our school are welcome to attend. It is available from 8.00 to 8.40 each morning. The cost is €3 per session, and parents will be invoiced at the end of each month.

A variety of afterschool clubs take place in the school from 13.30 to 14.30 for Infants and 14.30 to 15.30 for children in 1st to 3rd Class.  These include basketball, superhero training, evasion games, Gaelic football, choir, sewing, lego, soccer, athletics, draughts/chess, music and arts and crafts.

In addition, on-site afterschool care is available from 13.30 to 18.00 every day.  Afterschool @ KETNS is run by Jenni, Carmelita, Rahila, Ailbhe, Andrea, Ray, Lochlann and Arike.  Children play indoors and outdoors, share a meal and snack together and complete their homework.  A variety of art, baking, music and movement activities take place each week.  Afterschool @ KETNS also hosts camps, subject to demand, during the breaks.