Review of the School Plan 2018

Review of the School Plan 2019

Review of the School Plan 2022

  1. School Details

1.1.       Background

1.2.       The school in numbers

1.3.       Premises and Facilities

1.4.       Governance Activities

  1. Vision & Mission

2.1.       Vision

2.2.       Mission

  1. Curriculum Plans
  2. Policies
  3. Development Section

5.1.       SCOT Analysis Completed in Consultation with Parents and Staff Members

5.2.       Children’s Wishes for the School

5.3.       Development Objectives

5.4.       Development Actions

  1. Ratification and Review

1.     School Details

1.1.   Background

Knocknacarra Educate Together National School (KETNS) was established in 2014, under the patronage of Educate Together, in response to a demographic need for additional primary school places in the Knocknacarra area.

This background has influenced the school in two key ways:

  • The Educate Together ethos informs all aspects of the school including its governance, teaching and social activities.
  • The demographic growth of the Knocknacarra area has been fuelled by the migration of people to the area. This is reflected in the diverse backgrounds of the pupils.

This diversity partnered with the Educate Together ethos has seen a school character emerge which has at its heart:

Child-centred – While recognising the rights of all stakeholders including parents, guardians, staff, board of management, the patron and the Department of Education and Skills, the needs of the children will remain at the heart of all decision making.  The overriding ambition is for all children to be happy and to nurture them so that they can achieve their potential within a supportive academic environment that encourages high expectations.

Community – There is a strong desire to build a school community which takes an active role in the wider community based on values of active citizenship and civic responsibility.

Inclusion – Our school community endeavours to make a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion at all levels including governance, teaching and social activities.

These characteristics will inform the development objectives of the school plan. This is a new school and the school community recognise that we are the creators. This is a privilege but also a responsibility which the school community takes seriously. This plan is a living document that is being developed and by the Board of Management (BOM) in consultation with the Parent Teachers Association (PTA), the staff and children of the school. It is a plan for all of the school community, and therefore, all members of our learning community are asked participate in this exciting journey to create a new school community.

1.2.   The school in numbers

1 Stream The school has one class level for each of the 8 years of primary school.
8 Classes In 2021-2022 we have the full complement of classes for the first time from junior infants to 6th Class.
8 Members of the Board of Management Chairperson and Patron Nominee: Paul Adams

Patron Nominee: Maggie Hall

Secretary and Principal: Matt Wallen

Teacher Nominee: Vivienne Kelly

Female Parent Nominee: Liz Daly

Male Parent Nominee: Aneil Rawat

Community Nominee: Elaine Keane

Community Nominee: Louise Shields

18 Staff 2021-2022 Staff

1 Administrative Principal

8 Class Teachers

2 Full-time Learning Support Teachers

1 Fixed-term English-as-an-Additional-Language (EAL) Teacher

2 Full-time SNAs

1 Part-time SNA

1 Secretary

2 Part-time Cleaners

215 Pupils 2021-2022 Enrolment

28 in Junior Infants

25 in Senior Infants

26 in First Class

28 in Second Class

26 in Third Class

28 in Fourth Class

25 in Fifth Class

29 in Sixth Class

1.3.   Premises and Facilities

The school has located in permanent accommodation since Autumn 2018 at An Coimín Mór, Cappagh Road, Knocknacarra, Galway, H91 Y38E.  The accommodation is comprised of eight mainstream classrooms, one staff room, two offices, a multi-purpose room, one small classroom for support teaching and one prefab.  There is a large tarmac play area at the front of the school, a large green space adjacent to the school and another green space adjacent to the pre-fab.   There are two internal courtyards as well as garden areas at the front of the school and behind the building.  Cuan na Gaillimhe CNS (formerly Galway Steiner NS) is on the same campus, accommodated in prefabs at the rear of the site.

1.4.   Governance Activities

    Responsible officer Timeline
1.1 Review of School Plan BOM Annually by June
1.2 Review progress of Development Actions BOM/PTA Monthly
1.3 Review school policies BOM As required by policy
1.4 Publication of minutes of BOM meetings Principal Monthly
1.5 Appointment of new Board of Management Patron November 2019

2.     Vision & Mission

2.1.   Vision

To build a child-centred school community which values inclusion, diversity and the unique talents of all.

2.2.   Mission

To nurture each pupil, encouraging them to use their unique talents so that they reach their potential in all areas including academic subjects, the arts, sport and social skills.

To create a community which is inclusive of all and takes an active role in promoting active citizenship.

To create an atmosphere where pupils, staff, parents and the community feel safe, respected and valued and which develops a love of learning.

To support the patron body in setting up a secondary school to enable pupils to complete their education in the ethos of Educate Together.

3.     Curriculum Plans

English 2017 2017 2021
Maths 2017 2017 2021
An Ghaeilge 2017 2021 2025
Learn Together 2021 2021 2025
Digital Learning 2018 2018 2022
SESE (History, Geography and Science) 2019 2019 2023
Arts (Visual Arts, Music and Drama) 2020 2020 2024
PE 2018 2018 2022
SPHE 2018 2018 2022

4.     Policies

Additional Education Needs 2016 2022 2024
Admissions 2014 2021 2024
Afterschool Clubs 2016 2019 2022
Assessment 2018 2018 2021
Attendance 2016 2019 2022
Child Safeguarding Statement 2015 2022 2022
Code of Behaviour and Anti-Bullying 2015 2022 2022
Co-Location 2018 2018 2021
Communication (including Grievance Procedure) 2016 2020 2023
Continuing Professional Development 2019 2019 2022
COVID-19 Response Plan 2020 2021  
COVID-19 Risk Assessment 2020 2021  
Critical Incidents 2016 2019 2022
Data Management and Data Protection 2016 2020 2023
Dignity in the Workplace 2017 2017 2020
Distance Learning Policy 2020 2020 2023
Equality of Access and Participation 2017 2021 2024
Exceptional Closures 2016 2019 2022
Extra Personal Vacation (EPV) Days 2017 2020 2023
Financial Procedures and Protocols 2020 2020 2023
Garda Vetting Policy 2015 2021 2024
Health and Safety 2015 2021 2022
Healthy Eating 2016 2021 2024
Homework 2018 2018 2021
In-school Management Team 2019 2019 2022
Internet Acceptable Usage 2017 2020 2023
Job Sharing and Career Breaks 2016 2020 2023
Mobile Phone and Electronic Devices 2018 2019 2022
Off-site Learning Experiences 2017 2021 2024
Parental Involvement 2021 2021 2024
Pupil Committees 2022    
Relationships and Sexuality Education 2021 2021 2024
Retention 2017 2021 2024
Social Media and School Website 2016 2020 2023
Staffing Allocation 2018 2021 2024
Staff Induction 2019 2019 2022
Substance Use 2016 2019 2022
Work Experience/Student Teachers 2017 2020 2023

5.     Development Section

This section summarises a consultation process involving parents, Board members, staff and children regarding short- and long-term expectations for our developing school community.

5.1.  SCOT Analysis Completed in Consultation with Parents and Staff Members


  • A new school – we are the creators
  • Sense of community
  • Commitment to good governance including principles of democracy and transparency
  • Emphasis on teaching Irish
  • Diversity of pupils’ backgrounds
  • Class size capped


  • How to ensure all backgrounds are represented
  • Impact of first-come, first-served enrolment policy on siblings
  • Maintaining a sense of community and intimacy as the school grows
  • Establishing sustainable fundraising opportunities


  • Develop school profile within the wider community
  • Learn about other cultures from our peers
  • Build a sustainable school community


  • Uncertainty regarding long-term school accommodation
  • Lack of understanding in community about Educate Together ethos
  • Lack of opportunity to continue to second level

5.2.   Children’s Wishes for the School

5.3.  Development Objectives

  • To nurture the pupils by developing infrastructure including governance, buildings, technology and enhanced professional development.
  • To develop the school community by creating opportunities for pupils, parents and the community to interact.
  • To create an atmosphere where pupils, staff, parents and the community feel safe, respected and valued and which develops a love of learning.
  • To support the patron body in setting up a secondary school to enable pupils to complete their education in the ethos of Educate Together.

5.4.  Development Actions

  1. To nurture the pupils by developing infrastructure including buildings, technology, and communication structures.


  Action Responsible officer Timeline
1.1 Liaise with Dept of Education regarding school building Principal Ongoing
1.2 Devise lobbying strategy BOM As required
1.3 Implement lobbying strategy BOM/PTA As required
1.4 Set up buildings committee to project manage building/renovating of new building BOM As required
1.5 Project-manage building/renovation of new school Building Committee As required
1.6 Project manage move to new building Building Committee As required
1.7 Establish and resource a school library Staff and PTA Beginning 2017-2018
1.8 Plan and develop a playground and outdoor classroom Building Committee and PTA As required


  Action Responsible officer Timeline
2.1 Research options for personal ICT equipment for classes Principal and staff October 2017
2.2 Complete procurement and purchasing Principal and BOM 2018
2.3 Develop a whole-school ICT plan Principal and staff 2017-2018
2.4 Establish links with parents and the wider community for technology enrichment activities during and outside the school day Staff and parents 2018 onwards
2.5 Involve older classes in communicating learning through the school website and other platforms Staff and children 2019 onwards

Communication Structures

  Action Responsible officer Timeline
3.1 Manage private facebook page for parents PTA and principal Daily
3.2 Expand use of the website to support learning by incorporating resources Principal and staff 2017-2019
3.3 Establish a Student Council Principal and children 2018
3.3 Review and enhance portfolio sharing meetings Staff 2019-2020
3.4 Establish joint planning sessions for teachers, children, parents and Board members All stakeholders led by Principal By 2020
  • To create a school community which takes an active role in the wider community by creating opportunities for pupils, parents and the community to interact.
  Action Responsible officer Timeline
4.1 Support and develop end-of-term gatherings Teachers Per term
4.2 Establish sustainable fundraising to support extracurricular activities including the Spring Fair PTA, staff and BOM Annually in May and as required
4.3 Investigate the provision of adult classes, e.g. Irish PTA and Principal 2017-2018
4.4 Arrange for GAA lessons through a local club and begin the establishment of additional after-school and curricular sports activities Staff 2017-2018
4.4 Organise family social events PTA and staff Ongoing
4.5 Develop an environmental programme to include completing the Green Flag programme and investigating transport options Principal, lead teacher, staff, children and PTA Beginning in 2017-2018
4.6 Develop links with community groups e.g. Age Action, Blue Teapot Theatre Company PTA and staff Ongoing
4.7 Forge links with local sports organisations to provide experiences and training opportunities Staff and PTA Ongoing
4.8 Develop a liaison programme for the transition to secondary school Staff and children 2020
  • To create an atmosphere where pupils, staff, parents and the community feel safe, respected and valued and which develops a love of learning.
  Action Responsible officer Timeline
5.1 Establish regular opportunities for parents and children to become more aware of safe ICT use Principal and staff 2017 and onwards
5.2 Develop additional extra-curricular activities PTA Ongoing
5.3 Allocate resources and support teachers in developing and performing shows in both English and Irish Principal and Staff Ongoing
5.3 Tosaigh oibre le haghaidh Gaelbhratach a bhaint amach (Begin work towards achieving the Irish Flag Award) Principal, lead teacher, staff and children Beginning in 2017-2018
5.4 Initiate participation in the Green Flag programme Principal, lead teacher, staff and children Beginning in 2017-2018
5.5 Initiate participation in the ISPCC Shield Flag programme (an anti-bullying campaign) Principal, lead teacher, staff and children Beginning in 2018-2019
5.6 Establish plans for achieving an Active School Flag Principal, lead teacher, staff and children Beginning in 2019-2020
5.7 Begin working on the Yellow Flag (a diversity programme) Principal, staff and children Beginning in 2021-2022
  • To support the patron body in setting up a secondary school to enable pupils to complete their education in the ethos of Educate Together.
  Action Responsible officer Timeline
6.1 Forge strong links with the Galway Educate Together Second-Level Campaign PTA 2017
6.2 Ensure new parents are informed of the campaign PTA Ongoing
6.3 As children get older, seek their voice and involve them in the campaign Staff and PTA 2019 onwards

6.     Ratification and Review

This School Plan was ratified by the Board of Management on 15th June 2017.  It will be reviewed on an annual basis in a report by the Principal to the school community.