It is with great pleasure that we unveil the first edition of our newsletter for our new school community.  The title is An Focal Deireanach (The Last Word).  In our weekly newsletters for you will find out the latest information about the happenings in our school as well as the latest information for the parents and children of our school as well as the wider community.  It will arrive in your email box every Friday.  If you’d like to use a different or additional email address, please inform one of the teachers.



A reminder to parents that we are following a Healthy-Eating Policy in the school, asking families to send in healthy, nutritious lunches.  We’d ask families not to send in chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks and crisps.  We ask the children to pack up any wrappers and waste to take back home for several reasons: a) parents are aware of what their child actual eats, b) the amount of rubbish the school produces is reduced, c) children take responsibility for their lunch rubbish and d) we are part of the Green School Community.  It may be a good idea to put in an extra bag for the rubbish.  Also, it works best to send in drink containers that are easy to open and close so that bags and lunches stay dry.  Thanks for your cooperation!


Table Quiz on 25th September

Please save the date for our first fundraiser for the school.  We’ll be hosting a table quiz and Lohan’s in Salthill on the evening of 25th September.  Already many parents have been gathering prizes, and we’d welcome any other donations.  All proceeds from the evening will be directed towards improving the outdoor space and to purchase sports equipment.  Please pass the word to any friends and family!


Coffee Morning in Aid of Hospice Care

We will be hosting a coffee morning on Thursday, 18th September from 10.00-12.00 in the school.  All parents and other visitors are welcome to join us.  All money raised will be donated to Galway Hospice.  Please support this event and take the opportunity to meet the other members of our school community.


Needed: Clean and dry recyclables

We will be collecting and using any clean and dry containers and packaging (plastic trays, cartons, yogurt cups, lids,toilet roll inserts, cling film rolls scraps of wrapping paper, newspaper etc.) throughout the year.  We’ll use these for our “junk art” creations.  Any donations are welcomed!


Our First Days of School

On the 1st of September we were delighted to have His Worship The Mayor of Galway Cllr Donal Lyons present for our school opening.  Along with each of our new junior infants, he cut the ribbon on our school building.  Each family, teacher and guest on the day planted a flower in the school garden.  Pictures from the occasion are available here.

It’s hard to believe that the school has now been open for two full weeks, and the first class of the school has had a very busy couple of weeks.  On our first Friday, we devoted the entire day to activities associated with watermelon, finishing the day by cutting up a watermelon and sharing it! On Wednesday this week, we made the most of the sunny day and drew full-size self-portraits in our yard.


An Ghaeilge

To help all families with Irish, whether you need a refresher from school or have yet to speak a word, we’ll feature important Irish phrases that have been taught in school and can be reviewed at home.  A pronunciation guide as well as the meaning are below.

Cé hé tusa? (kay hay tuhsa) – Who are you?

Is mise _____. (Iss misha _______) – I’m __________


Our Teachers

We are very happy to have two teachers along with Matt for our staff this year.  Áine Ní Chuinneagáin, who has been appointed as a classroom teacher, has worked for many years in Gaelscoil de hÍde in Roscommon and has previously trained infant teachers. Vivienne Kelly has been appointed the part-time learning support teacher, working on Mondays and Tuesdays.  She has come from St James National School Bushy Park, having worked in both mainstream and learning support roles.  We’re delighted to have such a strong and capable staff!