Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who supported the coffee morning yesterday.  It was a great opportunity to meet one another as well as to raise money for Galway Hospice.  A special thank you to Vivienne who coordinated the event as well as all who donated the delicious baked items!


Table Quiz on 25th September

It is now less than a week until the table quiz.  Please do come and bring along a few others to form a team.  Many parents have done a fantastic job of gathering prizes from such local businesses as Waterbabies Galway, B&Q, Koztellos, Capone’s Restaurant, Stepping Up Dance Arts, Rouge, Rockin’ Joes, Pure Skill, The Light House and many others.  All we need now is to be sure we have a good attendance!  Attached to the email is a flier you can email or print and share with friends and family.  A reminder that the quiz will take place Lohan’s in Salthill on the evening of 25th September at 8 pm.  Money raised will be used to improve the outdoor space and to purchase sports equipment.



As a matter of policy, we will contact parents at 10 am if your child is unexpectedly absent.  In the event of an unexpected absence, we kindly request you phone or email us.  Many thanks for your cooperation.


Needed: Clean and dry recyclables

Thank you to those who sent in clean recyclables.  This will be an ongoing need throughout the year, so please do send in clean and dry containers and packaging (plastic trays, cartons, yogurt cups, lids, toilet roll inserts, cling film rolls, scraps of wrapping paper, newspaper, etc.) throughout the year.  We’ll use these for our “junk art” creations.


An Ghaeilge

We’ve been learning colours this week.

 Dearg (jar-ug) – red           Buí (bwee) – yellow           Gorm (gur-um) – blue          Glas (gloss) – green


The playdough we made in our first week seems to be very popular.  If you’d like to make some at home, the simple recipe follows.  Children can make the dough as cooking is not required.

  1. Mix 2 parts flour with 1 part salt.
  2. Slowly add water and form a soft but not too sticky dough.  (The recipe calls for 1 part water, but we found this was a bit too much.)
  3. Add colouring, glitter or essential oils if you wish.