Welcome Back
We look forward to Thursday, 31st August as we start our new school year, the 10th in the history of the school. How quickly time flies! A special welcome to the families joining our learning community, particularly our new junior infants as well as others
joining the senior classes.

Traffic Management Plan
From Thursday, we are going to trial a new traffic management system for drop-offs and collections. Many thanks to the parents who attended the meeting last Thursday to consider how we can make drop-off and collection safer, more efficient and respectful to our neighbours. Both schools will follow the same procedures. The following points were agreed:

  1. The primary thing to remember is to drive slowly and with caution as young children are arriving to school. Time, patience and courtesy are the key.
  2. Our long-term goal is to reduce the number of cars travelling to school each day in favour of active transport options (walking/cycling). To help with
    this, we hope to have a Walking Bus every morning that will leave Cappagh Park at 8.40. We need a total of ten parent volunteers (two per day) to make this viable. Please contact Matt or Claudia to express an interest.
  3. Only park in the direction of the flow of traffic. All cars should go all the way to the end of the road and turn before coming back. Please do not cross
    the line of traffic.
  4. The only turning should be at the top of the road (see the picture below). Please do not turn in the middle or in front of the school and absolutely nowhere near the sharp bend in the road. No one should ever reverse onto any path.
  5. When parking on the far side of the school, please do not mount the kerb in any way that causes an obstruction for pedestrians. We are working on
    getting the hedges cut to make the path wider.
  6. When parked, please turn off your engine rather than letting it idle to limit pollution as well as make it more pleasant for pedestrians passing.
  7. Please do not park in the estates and definitely ensure that no driveways are ever blocked to show respect to the local residents.
  8. While we know it is likely to be necessary for parents of younger children to park and accompany their child to and from the school, we’d encourage older children to use active transport.
  9. We are also starting a new Drop-off Zone for the mornings. Please do not park in the area marked as green below. Parents who wish to drop their
    children and don’t need to leave their car can use this area. Children should exit the car only on the side facing the footpath.
Park in the flow of traffic, with turning only taking place at the top of the road. Please don’t park in the red areas. The drop-off zone is marked in green.
The Drop-off Zone is just before the pedestrian gate and will be signposted clearly.

Many thanks for your cooperation and support with the drop-off and collection. We will review the plan at the end of September and would welcome any feedback.

School Expenses
As you are aware, the Department of Education has put significant money towards providing school books free to primary school students. Therefore, we are able to
reduce our school expenses this year to just €20 per child. We will provide all school books, stationery, art materials, photocopying, the Educate Together subscription and 24-hour pupil personal accident insurance. The €20 can be paid in September via bank transfer or in cash at the office.

Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club resumes this year, providing breakfast and supervision from 8.00 onwards. This is open to all families in the school.