Upcoming School Closure

The school will be closed for the St Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday on Monday, 18th March

Spring Fair Preparation

The Parent-Teacher Association met last week, and we continue to get ready for the Spring Fair, which will take place on Saturday, 18th May.  We are urgently looking for raffle prizes.  A letter is available in the office from Claudia that can be given to potential donors of prizes for the raffle.  We’d ask that all raffle prizes are confirmed by Friday, 15th March.

For various reasons, the PTA has postponed two family-friendly evening events that will take place later this year.  The first will be a talent show which will now be on Friday, 12th April at 18.30.  Both parents and children are invited to participate, and more details will follow.  Also, we will have a family quiz night on Friday, 14th June. 

World Book Day

Children are invited to dress up as a book character as we mark World Book Day on Thursday, 7th March

Head Lice

A reminder to parents to regularly check, ideally weekly, your child’s head for lice and treat if required.  Every parent doing this on a regular basis will help manage this effectively.

Credit Union Quiz Update

Well done to both teams who represented the school at the Chapter Level of the Credit Union Quiz today.  Our under-11 team came in 3rd Place in a close contest.  Congratulations to our under-13 team who resoundingly beat their competitors and will now go on to represent the school at the national finals in April.

The under-11 team at the competition with Audrey


5th Class recently played their ukuleles as a recent school assembly.  Both 4th and 5th Class have been having weekly lessons with Francesco as part of Music Generation Galway.

Infant Maths

The infant classes have been exploring maths learning using new resources and lots of concrete materials.

Drop-off and Collection

Many thanks for your continued coooperation in making the drop-off and collection times run smoothly.  We’d kindly ask that parents not take videos or photos that may include children, even in the background, other than your own.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Beidh Seachtain na Gaeilge ag siúl go luath.  Beidh gníomhaíochtaí speisialta ann.  Míle buíochas as gach duine atá ag beannú a chéile trí mheán na Gaeilge.  Beidh tionól speisialta agus lá glas ar an 16ú Márta.

Seachtain na Gaeilge is coming soon.  We’ll have special activities.  Many thanks to everyone who is greeting one another in Irish each morning.  We’ll have a special assembly and everyone is invited to wear green on Friday, 16th March.

Soccer Tournament

Another yard-time tournament was completed this past week, with Team 9 winning the second soccer tournament of the year.  Well done to all the participants on the teams.  Our new tournament with a different sport will be organised soon.

Team 9 with their trophy

Music Concert

We were delighted to have Bertrand and some other amazing guests present an amazing concert for all the children.  All the musicians were excellent!