Welcome Back!

We are delighted that the new school year is off to a great start.  We particularly are pleased to welcome our new junior infants as well as several other children in older classes who have joined our school community.  We look forward to another great year!

Information Meetings for Parents

In response to last year’s survey regarding wellbeing, we are looking for ways to communicate with families more regularly.  Later this month and into the beginning of October, we are going to have a series of meetings for parents on different mornings at 8.50.  This will be an opportunity for parents to visit their child’s classroom, meet your child’s teacher and other adults that work with your child’s class and hear important information about the upcoming year.  Please look for a separate email in the coming days inviting you to the meeting.

School Lunches

All is going smoothly with the school lunches.  A reminder that you should make your choices the week before for your child, though if none are selected a hot lunch will still be provided.  If you are having any difficulties with this process, please contact the school.  New pupils, including junior infants, should have received login details by now.  Children still should bring a healthy snack for the first break as well as a reusable water bottle.  We are happy to welcome Olga Lynch who has taken on the role of heating and distributing the lunches.

Traffic Management Plan

Last year we introduced a traffic management system for drop-offs and collections.  Many thanks for your support in making drop-off and collection timer safer, more efficient and more respectful to our neighbours.  The following points were agreed:

  1. The primary thing to remember is to drive slowly and with caution as young children are arriving to school.  Time, patience and courtesy are the key.
  2. Our long-term goal is to reduce the number of cars travelling to school each day in favour of active transport options (walking/cycling).  While we know it is likely to be necessary for parents of younger children to park and accompany their child to and from the school, we’d encourage older children to use active transport.  Parents can park at Cappagh Park as well and start and end the school day with a pleasant walk.
  3. Only park in the direction of the flow of traffic.  All cars should go all the way to the end of the road and turn before coming back.  Please do not cross the line of traffic.
  4. The only turning should be at the top of the road (see the picture below).  Please do not turn in the middle or in front of the school and absolutely nowhere near the sharp bend in the road.  No one should ever reverse onto any path.
  5. When parking on the far side of the school, please do not mount the kerb in any way that causes an obstruction for pedestrians. 
  6. Pedestrians should only enter the school grounds at the pedestrian gate rather than the first gate that is solely to be used by cars entering the school grounds.
  7. When parked, please turn off your engine rather than letting it idle to limit pollution as well as make it more pleasant for pedestrians passing.
  8. Please do not park in the estates and definitely ensure that no driveways are ever blocked to show respect to the local residents.
  9. At the end of the school day, please do not let your children play in the neighbourhood green out of respect to our neighbours.  Cappagh Park is a short walk away.
  10. We continue to have a Drop-off Zone for the mornings.  Please do not park in the area marked as green below.  Parents who wish to drop their children and don’t need to leave their car can use this area.  Children should exit the car only on the side facing the footpath.

Park in the flow of traffic, with turning only taking place at the top of the road.  Please don’t park in the red areas.  The drop-off zone is marked in green.  Thanks for your continued cooperation!

School Expenses

As you are aware, the Department of Education has put significant money towards providing school books free to primary school students.  We will provide all school books, stationery, art materials, photocopying, the Educate Together subscription and 24-hour pupil personal accident insurance.  While there was a reduction in the support from the Department this year, we are endeavouring to keep the school expenses as low as possible this year to just €35 per child.  The €35 can be paid via bank transfer using the details below or in cash at the office.

Account Name:                   Knocknacarra Educate Together NS

Bank and Branch:               Bank of Ireland, Salthill

Sort Code:                            903840

Account Number:               69960923

BIC:                                        BOFIIE2D

IBAN:                                     IE70BOFI90384069960923

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club is open to all children enrolled in the school, providing breakfast and supervision from 8.00 onwards.  There is no need to book ahead, and parents will be invoiced at the end of the month.


A reminder that we use Aladdin Connect to communicate between home and school.  This is the easiest way for parents to inform the school of absences.  A reminder that we will phone parents if a child is absent without explanation.  We also use Aladdin to grant permission for various activities.  If you are having any difficulty using Aladdin, please contact the office.

Coffee Morning

The school will host our annual Coffee Morning in aid of Galway Hospice on Friday, 27th September.  This is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet one another.  More details will follow.

Afterschool Clubs

Information about the afterschool clubs on offer this term will be sent out in the next newsletter including details on how to register.  We anticipate starting in approximately 2 weeks.


There is a delay in the receipt of our homework diaries this year.  While they will arrive later this month, we are going to begin trialing a different method for communicating homework using Aladdin Connect.  From next week, you should be able to log in to Aladdin to view your child’s homework for that day and the previous days.  If we find this pilot successful, we may consider switching to this method rather than using the diaries.  Thanks for your patience as we try out this new approach.