Next PTA Meeting

The next Parent-Teacher Association meeting will be on Wednesday, 21st March at 19.30 at the school.  The focus of the meeting will be preparing for the Spring Fair that will take place in April.  Please join us!


Spring Fair Raffle

Tickets for the Spring Fair raffle will be sent home before the break.  This is an important part of our annual fundraiser for the school.  If parents are unable to sell the raffle tickets, please return any unsold tickets to the school.  Many thanks for your support!


Upcoming School Closures

Friday, 23rd March – Early dismissal at 12.00

Monday, 26th March to Friday, 7th April – Spring Break

Friday, 27th April – Teacher inservice related to the New Primary Language Curriculum

The early dismissal that was scheduled for the 26th April has been moved to Friday, 13th April.  School will be finished at 12.00 that day.  The staff will complete training that afternoon related to Child Protection.


Voluntary Contributions

Many thanks to those who have made voluntary contributions.  There is no deadline for making these contributions.  Receipts will be distributed after the break.


After-school Clubs

A new term of After-school Clubs will start after we return from Spring Break.  Sign-up sheets will be posted by Wednesday on the parent notice-board.



Children in 1st and 2nd Classes will have 8 swimming sessions beginning in the final term.  Letters with all details will be distributed in homework folders this week.


Musical Performances

Congratulations to the cast of The Oversized, Overripe Turnip and The Lost Mitten who gave two brilliant performances this past week.  Special thanks to Clare for her stage management and behind-the-scenes work, Ciara for sewing and Cathy for providing food after the performance.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Cheiliúramar Seachtain na Gaeilge le himeachtaí iontacha an tseachtain seo caite. Thug an t-údar Caitríona Hastings cuairt ar an scoil chun a leabhar “Ó Chrann go Crann” a léamh. Bhí tráth na gceist spraoiúil againn. Léigh Rang a Dó leabhair Gaeilge leis na páistí sna ranganna eile. D’imir Rang a hAon agus Rang a Dó cluiche treodóireachta. Beidh Naíonáin Mhóra agus Rang a hAon ag cur cúpla dráma i láthair, Cinnín Óir agus na Trí Bhéar agus Jeaic agus an Gas Pónaire, an tseachtain seo chugainn. A thuismitheoirí, bígí linn an mhí seo chugainn nuair a thosóidh ranganna Gaeilge nua do thuismitheoirí.

We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge with some great events this past week. Author Caitríona Hastings visited the school to read one of her books to the children. We had a very fun quiz. Second Class visited the other classes to read Irish books. First and Second Class played an orienteering game. Senior Infants and First Class will perform a couple of plays next week. Parents, please join us next month as we launch Irish language classes for parents.  Classes will start on Wednesday, 11th April from 19.00-20.00.  No need to sign up.  Just come along!