Spring Fair

Our Spring Fair is right around the corner on this Saturday, 21st April from 12.00 to 16.00.  There are many ways you can help to support our annual fundraiser.

  • Like and share our post and event on Facebook.
  • Volunteer for a 30-minute slot on the day to help ensure the event runs smoothly. A sign-up sheet will be posted early this week.
  • Return any sold or unsold raffle tickets to Claudia by Friday. If you would like additional tickets to sell, speak with Claudia.
  • Bake something for the café.
  • Tell your friends and neighbours. All are welcome!  If you have a place to hang a flier or poster, these are available in the office.


Upcoming School Closure

The school will be closed for teacher inservice related to the New Primary Langauge Curriculum on Friday, 27th April.  Afterschool @ KETNS will be open.  Please contact Wioleta or Jenni to book a place.


Thank You

Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the collection for our family.  Your kindness and generosity was very much appreciated and Martin was treated to a lovely Easter.

Kindest regards,

Ann Marie Devereux


Ranganna Gaeilge do Thuismitheoirí (Irish Classes for Parents)

We had a good turnout for our first Irish class last week.  Don’t worry if you weren’t able to join us last week.  You’re more than welcome to come this Wednesday from 19.00-20.00.


First Class Novel

The children in First Class have finished reading their first class novel, Flat Stanley.  They collaborated on giant drawings of Flat Stanley.


Adiós, Sara!

We say farewell and thanks to Sara who will be returning to Spain this next week after completing her internship in our school.

KETNS PTA Meeting Minutes – 21st March 2018 – 7:30 pm at the school

Attended by:   Matt, Maggie, Karen, Celine, Bertrand, Cinzia, Karolina, Gosia, Clare, Emilia, Ann Marie

Apologies:       Diana, Vivienne

The meeting was chaired by Karolina.



  1. Spring Fair
    1. Will take place on Saturday, 21st
    2. Various workshops are being discussed/organised for the Spring Fair, e.g.:
      1. Arts and Crafts
      2. Science
      3. Dance
      4. Circus skills

c. Could all parents please remember to return the sold and unsold tickets for the Spring Fair Raffle.

d. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the notice board asking parents to volunteer for different stations on the day of the fair:

i. Helping to Set-up

ii. Helping during the Fair

ii. Cleaning up afterwards

Internet Safety

  • A free workshop on Internet Safety will be held in the school on 2nd May from 19.30-21.30.  All parents welcome.


  • The school received a letter from the management company of the shopping centre about their intention to start clamping any vehicles in future that are found parked on double-yellow lines.
  • They also stated that there is a maximum three-hour parking time in the shopping centre itself.
  • Parents are requested not to use the RSA-designated spaces for drop-off and collection.