Safe Internet Use Workshop

Many thanks to the parents who attended Safe Internet Use workshop, and a big thank you to the Parent-Teacher Association for organising this event.  If parents were unable to attend, they can collect some reading materials from Matt.  An online version of the presentation can be found at  Another excellent resource is


Portfolio Sharing Meetings

Portfolio Sharing Meetings are scheduled for Thursday, 17th May for Senior Infants and First Class and for Thursday, 24th May for Junior Infants and Second Class.  They will take place during the school day.  Please sign up for an appointment on your child’s classroom door.  If none of the times suit, please speak with your child’s teacher to arrange an alternative appointment.  After your child  shares his or her portfolio, there will be an opportunity to speak with your child’s class teacher.


Ranganna Gaeilge do Thuismitheoirí

A reminder that Irish language classes will continue on Wednesdays from 19.00-20.00 for the remainder of the school year.  All parents are welcome, and you don’t need to have attended a class previously to join us.


Safety Precaution

The school has received reports that children have been approached by strangers in the school vicinity and the wider community.  As a precautionary measure, all classes are reviewing how to respond if approached by a stranger within the context of the Stay Safe programme.  We urge all parents to regularly speak with their children about how to keep safe in such situations.


School Closure

The final school closure before the end of the school year will be on Monday, 4th June and Tuesday, 5th June.  Afterschool @ KETNS will operate a one-day camp on the 5th.


Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

A case of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease has been reported in the school community.  It causes blisters on hands and feet, and mouth ulcers inside the cheeks and on the tongue. Children may have a sore throat and high temperature.  The virus is different than the one associated with Foot and Mouth Disease carried by animals.  Children will make a full recovery.  Children who are unwell should stay home until they are feeling better. Keeping children off school for longer than this is unlikely to stop the virus spreading.  If parents have any questions, please speak to Matt.