Raffle Prizes

Sincere thanks to those parents who have found raffle prizes for the Spring Fair Raffle.  Letters can be collected from Claudia to be given to potential donors.  We’d like to have all the prizes confirmed by the beginning of February. 


Sincere thanks to Daniel, Liz, Maggie, Maria and Trish who helped set up our laptops.  We hope to start using them this week with the children.

Gardening Club

A date has been set for the first meeting of our Gardening Club.  Anyone interested in supporting this initiative can join us for a planning meeting on Wednesday, 13th February.  We look forward to setting up a regular weekly gathering for pupils and parents to work together to develop our garden areas.

Communication Policy

A cornerstone of the Educate Together ethos is to have open communication among stakeholders in our school.  The staff in our school follow an open-door policy.  We’d encourage parents to come to us about any concerns you may have, first approaching your child’s class teacher.  If you’re not satisfied with the outcome, please feel free to make an appointment with Matt either via email or with Claudia in the office.  The Communication Policy, as well as other school policies, can be found on our website.

Parent Professional Database

Thank you to those parents who completed the online form regarding the Parent Professional Database.  The Parent-Teacher Association is compiling a list of parents according to their professional skills and services.  It is thought that when parents are in need of a plumber, hairdresser, computer programmer or other skill, they might wish to support parents in our school community.  If you would like to be listed, please complete the online form at www.ketns.ie/parent-professional-database

Teddy Bear Hospital

The Junior Infants and their teddies had a great visit to the Teddy Bear Hospital at the University organised by the Sláinte Society.

RSA Visit

Catherine from the Road Safety Authority visited all the classes last week to speak about road safety.