Spring Break

The school will be closed for Spring Break at 12.00 on Friday, 12th April.  The school will re-open on Monday, 29th April.  Afterschool @ KETNS will have a camp over the two weeks, except for the Easter Monday Bank Holiday.

Coding Camp

A half-day coding camp led by Corrib Kids Coding will be held in the school on Thursday, 18th April from 10-1pm.  Please contact (087) 9540799.

Afterschool Clubs

The last session of the afterschool Coding Club for this term was on Friday.  The afterschool clubs all finish up this week for this term with the exception of the Junior and Senior Infant Musical, which will be performed on Monday afternoon at 14.00.  The sign-up for the afterschool clubs for the final term will take place next week.  Details about the activities on offer will be in the next newsletter.

Spring Fair

We are all looking forward to the Spring Fair that takes place on Saturday, 6th April from 12.00-16.00.  Attached are the minutes from the last Parent-Teacher Association Meeting.  We thank everyone in advance for their help in making our annual fundraiser a great success.

  • Many thanks to everyone who has been helping to sell raffle tickets.  We have more tickets available if you’re in a position to sell them.  A big thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer on the day.  A sign-up sheet will be posted on a notice board in the hall. 
  • We hope everyone who is able will bake something to be sold in the café.  If you’re not inclined to bake, you are welcome to purchase other items for the café. 
  • A Facebook event has been set up.  Please like and share it. 
  • Please consider walking or cycling on the day as parking will be limited.
  • We’re looking for donations for the book stall.  Books in good condition can be dropped to the school at any time.

Drop-Offs in the Morning

Just a friendly reminder that we supervision begins at 8.40, and we would kindly request that children not be dropped off prior to this unless they are attending the Breakfast Club. 

Walking Bus

The supervised Walking Bus continues to leave Cappagh Park each Wednesday morning at 8.40.  Please consider joining us.

Belated Congratulations

Congratulations to Guido in Third Class who won a prize in the Mother Tongues Festival Art Competition!