Our First Day

Sincere thanks to everyone who worked so hard to ensure we could open this past Monday in our new premises.  Thank you to the staff for the hard work packing, unpacking and setting up classrooms.  A big thank you to the parents who stepped up to help with packing, the army of people who tidied so efficiently the old school, the painters who transformed the cabinets and front doors of the school and all the parents who helped arrange the new school and decorate it for our first day.  It was a wonderful feeling of collaboration among teachers and parents in our school community.



Thank you to everyone who is ensuring that they drive safely and park responsibly in the vicinty of the school.  Please do not enter the estates, An Cimín Mór and Garraí Dhónaill and please do not block any driveways or roads.  It is recommended that if you are dropping off you pass the school, turn around and then park beside the school building for quick drop offs. We’re delighted to see a few bikes locked up each day behind the school.  A really big thanks to those who participated in the walking bus on the first morning and those who are continuing to park there and walk to school together. A reminder that parents are asked not to enter the school grounds with their cars.  All children and parents should enter the school grounds through the pedestrian entrance (the second gate).

Afterschool Clubs

Due to the work required to get the school up and running, we will need a little time before the afterschool clubs will start.  Information will be sent out in the next newsletter, and the activities will start during the week of the 24th September.


Ranganna Gaeilge

Are you interested in learning Irish or brushing up on what Irish you already have?  If so, please indicate your preference for when the classes will take place by completing an online survey at https://surveyhero.com/c/856831c1.

First class taking advantage of the open space at our new premises