Spring Break and May Bank Holiday

Spring Break will begin at 12.00 on Friday, 12th April.  The school will re-open on Monday, 29th April.  Afterschool @ KETNS will have a camp over the two weeks, except on the Easter Monday Bank Holiday.

Coding Camp

A half-day coding camp led by Corrib Kids Coding will be held in the school on Thursday, 18th April from 10-1pm.  Please contact (087) 9540799.

Afterschool Clubs

The clubs for the final term will be finalized tomorrow.  A separate email will be sent with the details and sign-up will begin on Wednesday.

Green School Action Day

Tuesday, 9th April is our Green School Action Day.  We are working towards our first Green Flag on the theme of Litter and Waste Management.  In addition to several activities, the school will participate in the National Spring Clean that day from 13.45-14.15.  Parents are welcome to join us.  If you have any grabbers, please bring them.  Gloves will be provided.

Spring Fair

Sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the Spring Fair such a great success.  Thank you to all the parents who sold raffle tickets, painted fantastic signs, baked amazing things for the café, managed the car park, supervised the bouncy castles, helped first class with their games, made candy floss and sold coffee, cakes, plants and books.  A special thank you to those who helped set up and clean up after the event.  Special thanks to the workshop providers and the stallholders.  A big thank you to the entire staff for your efforts.  We will know in tomorrow how much was raised.  More importantly, it was a fantastic, celebratory day in our school community.

Ceramic Creations for the Garden

The children, with Tatiana, have created beautiful things to decorate our garden and school!