First Communion Preparation for Children in Second Class

Have you a son or daughter who wishes to make their First Holy Communion in May 2019?  Maria Rice prepares children from our school. The children meet in the Cathedral on Sunday’s once a month from Nov-May. They start witha meeting from 5-6pm. Then mass is on from 6-6.45pm. The children are also required to attend classes one hour a week for 10 weeks.  Please contact Maria on 0862658383 to book a place for your child.  Places are limited and the class with have a maximum of 15 children.  There will be a meeting for parents in October 2018. Parents must attend this meeting, but please confirm with Maria first that your child will participate.


Junior Infants developing their fine motor skills


Hospice Coffee Morning

A Coffee Morning in aid of Galway Hospice will take place in the school on Friday, 21st September.  All parents and any other visitors are welcoming to come support the event from 9 to 11.  We’d especially welcome any bakers who could bring something to share.  This is a great opportunity to meet with other parents in our school community and support a worthy cause.


Afterschool Clubs

Afterschool Clubs will begin from Monday, 24th September onwards.  The signup sheets will be posted form Tuesday morning outside the office.  Some classes have a limited number of places. The classes are €5 per session, with the exception of the Arts and Crafts classes which are €6 per session. We’d kindly ask parents to pay for the entire term.  The afterschool clubs for the first term are as follows:

Junior and Senior Infants – 13.30-14.30

Mondays – Basketball with Matt

10 sessions – €50

24th Sept until 10th Dec (no class on 5th Nov)

Tuesdays – Arts and Crafts with Sylvia

11 sessions – €65

25th Sept until 4th Dec

Wednesdays – Soccer Skills with Diana

Maximum participants – 10

11 sessions – €55

26th Sept until 12th Dec

Thursday – Superhero Training with Miss Laurie of Stepping Up Dance Arts

11 sessions – €55

27th Sept until 13th Dec

First through Third Classes – 14.30-15.30

Mondays – Chess and Draughts with Vivienne

11 sessions – €55

24th Sept until 10th Dec

Tuesdays – Arts and Crafts with Sylvia

11 sessions – €65

25th Sept until 11th Dec

Wednesdays – Gaelic Football with Andy

11 sessions – €55

26th Sept until 12th Dec

Thursday – Superhero Training with Miss Laurie of Stepping Up Dance Arts

11 sessions – €55

27th Sept until 13th Dec

Fridays – Athletics with Matt

11 sessions – €55

28th Sept until 14th Dec

Ranganna Gaeilge

Thank you to everyone who completed the online survey regarding the Irish classes.  Based on the replies, we’ll start with classes on Wednesday evenings this term, from 19.00-20.00.  All are welcome, regardless of whether you’ve had previous experience learning Irish.  Depending on numbers, we may split the These classes are saor in aisce (free of charge) and meant to be relaxed and fun.  Our first session will take place on Wednesday, 26th September.  We’ll continue through the rest of the term, except the week of the mid-term break, finishing on Wednesday, 19th December.  Tá fáilte roimh cách!  (Everyone is welcome!)



We’re off to a great start with attendance.  Many thanks to all the parents who have contracted the school in the event of an unexpected absence.  A friendly reminder that we are required to notify Túsla once 20 absences have been reached in a year.


Emailing Teachers

You can contact all the teachers via email by using their first name and then adding  Equally, if you’d like to arrange to meet your child’s teacher, feel free to call the school to arrange an appointment or speak to your child’s teacher at drop-off or collection.