Photos Day

County Photos will be coming into the school to take class and invidual photos on Tuesday, 16th October.



We have received confirmation regarding our reservation for Baboró this year.  Senior Infants and First Class will attend a performance of Tetris and visit the exhibition at the Galway Arts Centre on Wednesday, 17th October.  Second and Third Classes will be seeing Black Beauty on Friday, 19th October.  The cost for the performances is €6.50.  The Board of Management will pay the transport costs.  Please pay Claudia in the morning or into the school bank account.  Permission forms with all times and details will be sent home next week.


Camp during the Mid-term Break

Afterschool @ KETNS will be hosting a 4-day camp at the school during the Mid-term Break at the end of the month.  Please speak to Carmelita or Jenni for further details or to book a place.


Ranganna Gaeilge

Classes continue from 19.00-20.00 every Wednesday.  All are welcome regardless of ability or experience with Irish or whether you’ve been able to attend the classes previously.


Parent-Teacher Association Meeting

The next Parent-Teacher Association meeting will take place on Wednesday, 10th October from 20.00-21.00 at the school.


Forest School

Third Class started a six-week forest school experience today.  First Class visited the woods last week, with some pictures from the day below. Junior and Senior Infants will visit the woods on Wednesday.  We’re very lucky to be so near Barna Woods, and more visits to the woods will follow.



Please be sure your child has a coat, ideally with a hood, every day to be prepared for any sudden changes in the weather.  Write your child’s name on the tag so we can return it if it gets left behind.


Volunteer Opportunities in the School

It was fantastic to have so many parents involved in the moving, cleaning, painting and preparation of the school during the recent move.   Many hands do indeed make light work!  In an attempt to build on this momentum, we are setting up an online portal on our website to advertise ways of getting involved.  For example, we’re looking for help in clearing the remaining boxes in Seomra 2, help with hanging some notice boards, assistance with setting up new laptops, establishing a gardening committee and more.  We’d encourage you to take a look at the website if you are interested in helping.  Please visit