Nut Allergies

As there are two children in the school with severe nut allergies, we’d kindly ask that no whole nuts be brought to school in children’s lunches.  If the item may contain traces of nuts, that is okay to send it.  Please don’t send in anything that may contain traces of peanuts if this is specified.  Many thanks to everyone for their cooperation. 

End-of-Term Potlucks and Assemblies

We will have three different end-of-term assemblies this year in class pairings.  This will make it less crowded for everyone.  All the assemblies will begin at 13.00 and will be followed by a potluck in the hall.  The yard will be open for parking from 12.45.  The dates for the assemblies as well as what to bring to the potluck are below.

Monday, 16th December – 3rd and 4th Classes

Tuesday, 17th December – 1st and 2nd Classes

Wednesday, 18th December – Infants

Families with children in Junior Infants, 1st and 3rd classes are asked to bring something savoury.  Families of children in Senior Infants, 2nd and 4th classes should bring something sweet.  Enough for 4-6 people is more than sufficient.

If any parents are available to help with set-up and clean-up, especially on the days when your child isn’t participating in the assembly and potluck, we’d greatly appreciate your assistance.

Final Day of the Term

Our final day of the term will be Friday, 20th December.  We will have an early dismissal that day at 12.00.  Everyone is encouraged to wear their favourite winter jumper and donate €2 to Crumlin Children’s Hospital that day.  We’ll have a special disco and more fun activities.

New Board of Management

A sincere and heartfelt thank you to the members of the Board of Management for the past four years.  Particular thanks goes to Lynn Morgans and Waqas Khawaja who were the parent nominees for the last four years as well as our teacher nominee, Áine.  Your help and support is most appreciated, especially for all your efforts in the earliest stage of developing our school.

A big thank you to Louise Shields, our outgoing chairperson.  Louise has been the chairperson since the very first Board meeting, and the entire school community is grateful to her for assistance and guidance over the years. 

A big thank you to Maggie Hall who will remain on the Board as a patron nominee.  Maggie has been involved in the school since well before it opened.  Her role as treasurer and her assistance with policy writing is noteworthy.

Two other members of the Board to thank are the two community nominees, Paul Adams and Elaine Keane.  Their support and input have been invaluable.  We are delighted that Paul has been appointed chairperson for the new term.

Congratulations to Liz Daly and Aneil Rawat who have been elected and the parent nominees for the Board of Management.  Sincere thanks to all the candidates! 

Vivienne has been chosen by the staff as the teacher nominee.  The current six members will meet this month to select two community nominees at their first meeting. 

Survey on Irish Language

A reminder that everyone is encouraged to participate in a survey related to Irish language planning for Knocknacarra and Barna. 

Tugann Plean Teanga Bearna Cnoc na Catharach (PTBC) cuireadh duit suirbhe teanga gearr a lionadh. 

PTBC (Language Plan Barna/Knocknacarra) invites you to fill in a short language survey:

More info:


Minutes of the Parent Teacher Association Meetings

Date: 26th November 2019 @ 8.50 am

Date: 27th November 2019 @ 7pm

In Attendance

Morning meeting: Jessica, Lise, Jacopo, Katherine, David, Matt, Mindy, Clare, Karen, Christina, Safi, Barbara, Katt, Sandra

Evening meeting: Karolina, Cian, Clare, Matt, Sandra

Food Dudes

Plastic packaging used by Food Dudes (compulsory programme for primary schools) was discussed. Barbara contacted Food Dudes and was given feedback that the packaging may change to paper. There is a petition running at present regarding this issue at

Pedestrian Crossing

Kathy has been in contact with a local councillor to retain a pedestrian crossing outside the pedestrian gates to promote road safety for the students. The councillor informed Kathy most of the money has been allocated towards the cost, with the remaining amount likely to follow. Kathy to follow up for official confirmation. Discussion regarding obtaining a Lollipop Person and cones.

Road Safety at Drop-off and Collection times

Flow of traffic and safety issues discussed; volunteers potentially needed to guide motorists not to make U-turns on the road in the morning or afternoon due to safety concerns for children.

Walking Bus

Walking bus to be on a daily basis from Cappagh Park. Whatsapp group to be setup regarding coordination of this.

Board of Management

  • Morning meeting: votes for Parent Nominees to be counted by the end of the week.
  • Evening meeting update: Nominees will be contacted regarding count and announced in next newsletter.

Assembly & Potluck

2019s end of calendar year Assembly and Potlucks will take place over three days in the last school week before the break. Parent volunteers needed to direct parking in the school yard and to help with the set up and cleanup of the hall, starting at 12.15pm (not needed to volunteer on the day of their own child’s assembly).

  • 16th December, 1pm:  3rd and 4th Class
  • 17th December, 1pm: 1st & 2nd Class
  • 18th December, 1pm: Jnr & Snr Infants

Book Fair

A week-long Book Fair may take place in the school, possibly in Mid-May, but date has not been decided. Parent volunteers will be needed to run the fair, which will take place after school and over two late evenings to facilitate families using the Afterschool. Two companies run these fairs, and we need to research which company to go with. 40% of what is sold goes to the school as credit.

Weaving Wellbeing

Parents are invited to attend a talk called Weaving Wellbeing by Fiona Forman, taking place at 7pm on January 22nd in Coláiste Iognáid (the Jes). A contribution will be given by the PTA towards this event.

Peanut Allergy

Posters to be obtained to remind parents and students that there are children with nut allergies in the school. The various types of nuts that cannot be brought to school were discussed.

Smartphone agreement

Carrie has volunteered to do a workshop with parents. Carrie brought forward a motion regarding a Smartphone agreement among parents, as a parent led initiative.

Lunchbreak length

The length of the lunchbreak was brought up as a concern for a parent. Matt explained that the timetable is very limited on the length of time allowed for lunchbreaks. The pilot hot food initiative that is taking place in 20 schools around Ireland was discussed.  Matt will contact a participating school to enquire how it is going.

Spring Fair

Spring Fair will take place on 25th April 2020. Thank you cards to be sent to all donors of last year’s raffle prizes. New raffle prize donations will be required for next year.

Next Meeting

The next Parent Teacher Association meeting will take place in January 2020.