End of Term

While we regrettably can’t have the type of events we’re used to having at the end of the first term including assemblies for parents and potlucks together, we are going to try to organise alternatives to mark the end of this most unusual term.

Firstly, while we understand the reasons, parents have not been able to enter the classrooms and corridors of the school, missing the usually opportunities to view the children’s hard work. Equally, we can’t have the assemblies with songs and poems and all of us together that we are used to. In an effort to share and celebrate the learning that has taken place this term, each class is going to make a short video showcasing their learning this term. Links will be emailed to parents at the end of the term. We’d ask that the videos be kept within the families of the school on this occasion. Please see below about a new request for permission for creating these videos and other videos in the future later in this newsletter.

On our final day of school, Tuesday, 22nd December, children are encouraged to wear their favourite winter jumper. They should also bring a special treat for themselves. Finally, we’ll be making a collection for a charity. The children of the school will decide the beneficiary of the collection which we will announce next week.

It will be an early dismissal on the 22nd. Children in infants should be collected at 11.50. The other classes will finish at 12.00. (Parents of infants with older siblings may collect their children at 12.00.) As is the current practice, we’d kindly ask parents and children to leave the school grounds as soon as possible to prevent gatherings as well as to assist with the traffic effiency as well as to help Cuan na Gaillimhe CNS (the Steiner School) who will be finising shortly after us. Please note, Afterschool @ KETNS will finish that day at the usual time, 18.00.

Our first day back after the Winter Break will be Wednesday, 6th January.


Thank you to everyone who is helping make drop-off and collection times safer. We have one more request. We’d kindly ask that parents park in the direction of the traffic flow rather than crossing the road. We are working on a more detailed plan that we will share in the new year.

Video Permission

In order to facilitate the class videos mentioned earlier as well as other video projects, we’re asking parents to grant permission for their children to be in the video. You should receive a separate request to grant permission via Aladdin Connect. We’d ask you to reply to this request as soon as possible. Full details are present on Aladdin Connect as well as on our website in the Social Media, Email and School Website Policy.


Afterschool Clubs

While Superhero Training has wrapped up for this term, Soccer and Evasion Games will continue this week to partially make up for previous sessions that were cancelled due to adverse weather earlier this term.


The school is delighted to announce that we have received another award from Science Foundation Ireland, the Discover Science and Maths Award for the the 2019-2020 school year. Well done to all the staff and children and particularly Vivienne for coordinating this achievement.

Parent-Teacher Meetings

Parent-Teacher Meetings will be slightly different in and later in the school year. Teachers will send out the pupil profiles, the usual summary documents shared at Parent-Teacher Meetings, via email at the end of the third week in January. Parents will be able to make an appointment for a phone call with class teachers and support teachers during the last week in January. Further details will be provided in January.

Knocknacarra Educate Together NS – Board of Management Meeting – 9 th December 2020, 20.00 (Google Meet)


Maggie Hall (patron nominee), Liz Daly (female parent nominee nominee), Aneil Rawat (male parent nominee), Paul Adams (chairperson and patron nominee), Louise Shields (community nominee), Elaine Keane (community nominee), Vivienne Kelly (teacher nominee) and Matt Wallen (principal and secretary) Paul chaired the meeting.

November Minutes

The minutes from the November meeting were approved.

Principal’s Report


o There are currently 187 pupils enrolled in seven classes.

o Offers for junior infant places will be sent out at the end of January after the enrolment period has passed.


o Parents have been very helpful regarding communication related to attendance and ensuring children stay home when unwell. Attendance is actually on par with last year at this stage. The average attendance to date is 93%. 48 children have not missed a day. Ten children have missed more than 15 days. Six have missed more than 20 days.

Health and Safety

o The COVID-19 plan is in operation, and the management of the re-opening has gone smoothly.

o A review of the rest of the Health and Safety Policy will be completed in February.

Curriculum Development

o The staff are working on completing the Arts Plan and the review of the Plean Gaeilge. The Arts Plan will be ready for the next meeting. The revised Plean Gaeilge will be completed by February.


o The request for the final drawdown of the heating emergency works grant has been submitted.

o Repairs to the gutters, as approved previously, will be taking place on the 9th and 10th January, weather permitting.

o We are still awaiting a third quote for the replacement of the taps, and once this is received we’ll choose a contractor for the work.

Misc. Events/Information

o The writing of IEPs (Individual Education Plans) is complete.