Cyber Safety Talk for Parents

The Parent-Teacher Association has organised an evening information session related to safe internet use for children. Parents of children of all ages are encouraged to attend. Carrie Budds, a parent in the school and an experienced workshop presenter on this topic, has kindly agreed to lead a session this Wednesday, 16th June from 19.30 to 20.30. In advance of the session, parents are invited to ask questions or raise any particular concerns so that Carrie can address them in the session. Please email Carrie directly ( The Zoom link to access the cyber safety session for parents is: available upon request.

Special Events to Mark the End of the Year
To mark the end of a challenging year and to celebrate the perseverance and hard work of the children in our school community, the Board of Management and the staff have organised a couple of surprise events. The first will be a session for each class on two large inflatable bouncy-castle obstacle courses. This will take place on Wednesday, 16th June. As it is somewhat weather dependent, we’d ask parents to keep this a surprise in the event that it can’t go ahead. There will be many protocols in place for physical safety and in line with the school’s COVID-19 Response Plan. Classes will use the obstacle courses strictly in their class bubbles, and there will be controls in place to prevent overcrowding and support physical distancing. Four staff members will supervise at all times. The inflatables will be set up on the green and have good ventilation. High-touch surfaces will be cleaned between each session. Children will not be allowed to wear their shoes. Therefore, we’d highly recommend sending in an extra pair of socks in case the grass is wet that day.

Voluntary Contribution
We would normally ask families to consider making a voluntary contribution to the school in the spring of each year. Voluntary contributions have helped us keep costs down for parents and support special activities. For example, we have paid for transport for all excursions, purchased new equipment, maintained our new school building and supported the learning experience of the children in our school. These contributions also support special events. Circumstances remain very difficult for many families at present, and we understand that making a contribution this year may not be possible as many families continue to face financial insecurity. If you happen to be in the position to support the school with a contribution, you are welcome to make a bank transfer.

If families are in the position of being able to make a voluntary contribution of €250 or more, the school can claim an additional amount from Revenue using the Charitable Donations Scheme. Also, for the first time we hope to be able to accepting credit-card payments for voluntary contributions using the website later this week. Please visit

School Expenses
The school expenses will remain the same next year for all classes, €90 for infants and €100 for 1st Class and up. This pays for all stationery supplies, copies, books, the use of book rental school books, a homework diary, photocopying and art supplies, the annual Educate Together subscription and 24-hour pupil personal accident insurance. Once again, we are deferring looking for payment until 1st September once the new school year resumes.

Parental Involvement Policy
Attached is a draft Parental Involvement Policy. It is written in the hope that the ordinary ways we like to involve parents in the school will return in the future. Feedback is most welcome by replying to this email. The policy will be considered by Board of Management at the next meeting.

Many thanks for sitting down with your children to review their portfolios. A reminder that children in Junior Infants, 1st Class, 3rd Class and 5th Class need to return their portfolios to the school. Other classes can keep their portfolios at home. Normally we would have had an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers, but as this isn’t possible this year, if you are interested at any time to have a conversation with your child’s teacher please email them directly or phone the office to request a phone call.

Class Teachers for Next Year
We will begin the process of recruiting additional staff for next year, and once this is complete, we will be able to inform families which teachers will be teaching which classes next year. Many thanks for your patience.

Drop-off and Collection Update
A big thank you for your continued efforts to make the traffic situation better in the mornings and afternoons. We’d kindly request that parents not park in either of the neighbouring estates. Also, our neighbours have also asked that children not play on the nearby green after school due to damage caused to some of the trees. Many thanks for your cooperation.