A Big Thank-you
Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to making this very challenging year a successful one for our learning community. Firstly, a big thank you to the staff who worked so hard and adapted to unprecedented challenges and new ways of working to continue to support the holistic development of the children in the our school. A sincere thanks to all the parents who supported this process throughout, working in collaboration with the staff. Many thanks to the Board of Management who continued to provide direction for our community. Finally, a big thank you to the children who weathered the hills and valleys of a challenging year with humour, positivity and perseverance.
As we look ahead to welcoming everyone back to the school on Tuesday, 31st August, with a full complement of all eight classes for the first time, it is anticipated that the COVID-19 Response Plan will not be changing significantly. If there are changes, we will communicate them in late August. The recruitment of additional staff members will be taking place soon, and we will email to all families the names of the teachers for each class as soon as this is confirmed.
We hope everyone has a safe, enjoyable and relaxing summer, with lots of quality time with family and friends. We look forward to seeing you all at the end of August!

End-of-Year Virtual Assemblies
All the classes have prepared video assemblies to share with the parents. A separate email will be sent to you with the link to the video for your child’s class. We’d ask that the link be kept private and the videos not forwarded to anyone outside our school community. The videos are a great celebration of all the learning and hard work this past year.

Summer Camps
Afterschool @ KETNS are organising camps during the month of July in the school. Please contact Jenni if you would like more information. There will also be a yoga & art camp 9th-13th and 16th-20th August in the school. Contact Sara Falvey at sarafalvey@yahoo.com if you are interested.

Rang a Trí had a great final visit to the woods as part of their Forest Schools programme
Fourth and Fifth Class had a fun sand-castle competition
Everyone enjoyed an ice cream or slushy on Tuesday!