Virtual Coffee Morning for Galway Hospice

Many thanks to everyone who generously donated to Galway Hospice in support of the virtual coffee morning. We collectively raised €658.38.

The Junior Infants about to enjoy their treats on our virtual coffee morning in aid of Galway Hospice

Weekly Assemblies

We have managed to find a way to continue our wholeschool Friday assemblies, thanks to the wonders of technology. These are great opportunities for our whole school to share and celebrate our learning.


We will have Halloween events on the last Friday before mid-term, the 23rd October. Children are welcome to wear fancy dress. We’d just ask that nothing resembling a weapon be brought in. Like we did for the coffee morning, children may bring in one special treat for themselves. We’ll have a special assembly and virtual costume parade as well as a spooky yard disco and some games. The day will end at the usual dismissal time.

Mid-term Break

The mid-term break will take place from Monday, 26th October to 30th October inclusive. Afterschool @ KETNS will be hosting a four-day camp from Tuesday to Friday. Please email Jenni ( to sign up.

Afterschool Activities

Unfortunately, soccer clubs will not take place again this week. We hope to have them resume soon and will provide details at a later time. A reminder that the Evasion Games clubs start tomorrow (Monday, 12th October).

We will also be offering Superhero Training for 1st Class on Wednesdays, starting on the 21st October. Superhero Training for children in 2nd Class will take place on Thursdays starting on 22nd October. The sessions will take place immediatly after school and will finish at 15.20. The cost for the 8 weeks will be €45. To facilitate these classes, Superhero Training for the Infants will now end at 14.25 to provide time to prepare for the additional classes. To book, email Claudia (

We continue to have our Friday Discos in the yard !
Many thanks to the Senior Infants who weeded the courtyard garden. Next week they will plant some winter vegetables