End of Term

We are approaching the end of the term.  Sincere gratitude to all the staff members, children and parents who have cooperated to make it safe and successful despite the circumstances.  We will finish the term on Tuesday, 22nd December.  There will be an early dismissal, and details will follow for end-of-term events next week.

Contacting Teachers

While we will not have formal Parent-Teacher Meetings until January, parents are welcome to contact teachers via email at any time.  All teachers use the email with their first name followed by @ketns.ie.  You can also phone the office to arrange a call back.

Galway Science and Technology Festival If you were unable to view the live stream of the family-friendly 2020 Galway Science and Technology Festival, it can be viewed anytime via


Spréagaigí: Music Generation

We are delighted to announce that beginning in January, children in our school can avail of afterschool instrumental music lessons in small groups.  This fantastic opportunity is being organised by Music Generation.  Children will have the opportunity to learn to play either keyboard, violin/viola, guitar/ukulele and drums/percussion.  These are beginner classes with a max of 3 in each session taught by local musicians.  Parents can register their interest using this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=k0UbVHlqE02LQXsWFGj4tz81XFHqUItLuGVuu0te9OFUNk9LVUZZTFhYTzRXTklBTVE1QlNIMEowSS4u.  Please register soon as capacity may be limited.  For more information, visit the Music Generation website, www.musicgenerationgalwaycity.ie/.