Changes to the Procedures for Drop-off & Collection
Starting Monday, 21st March, the procedure for dropoff and collection will change. We are grateful to the teachers for providing additional supervision over the past two years in order to prevent any mixing of class bubbles. Going forward, children can enter the school grounds from 8.40 each morning. Anyone arriving before 8.40 must attend the Breakfast Club. All children in all the classes will be supervised outdoors
in the yard (or in the halla when there is adverse weather) from 8.40 to 8.50. At 8.50, the official start-time for the school, children will enter through the two sets of double doors and walk to their classes. Children arriving from 8.50 to 9.00 can go directly to their classrooms through the purple sets of doors. From 9.00, parents and children should sign in at the office.

At the end of the day, the infants will continue to be collected outside their classrooms at 13.30. All other children will exit the school through the purple doors
at 14.30. Pupils in 1st to 2nd Class will exit through the purple doors next to the office. Pupils from 3rd to 6th Class will exit the school through the other set of doors.

Seachtain na Gaeilge
Bhí eachtranna iontacha againn an tseachtain seo chaite. Bhí Dioscó Ciúin againn (go raibh maith agat as Malachy chun é a eagrú). Bhí trá na gceist ag na hardranganna. Chomh maith le sin, bhí tionól speisialta againn le filíocht agus amhránaíocht den chéad scoth.
We had some great events last week. We had a slient disco (thanks to Malachy for organising this). The older classes had table quizzes. As well, we had a special assembly with first-rate poetry and singing.

Collection for Unicef and the Red Cross
Many thanks for your generosity regarding our collection last Wednesday. We will continue to accept donations on Monday. If you’d like to donate directly to these organisations, please use these links: Unicef and Irish Red Cross.

Afterschool Clubs
Places are still available in the afterschool clubs listed below. To book a place, please sign up and make a cash payment to Claudia. All parents who have registered for the various activities will receive an email confirmation.

Superhero Training with Miss Laurie
Mondays – 14.30-15.30
Infants to 1st Class (maximum 17 participants)
21st March – 20th June (10 sessions)
€75 per pupil

Beginners Coding with Corrib Kids Coding
Tuesdays – 14.30-15.30
2nd-3rd Class (maximum 12 participants)
22nd March – 14th June (10 sessions)
€100 per participant

Athletics with Vivienne and Sarah-Jane
Wednesdays – 14.30-15.30
1st to 6th Class (minimum 10 participants)
23rd March – 15th June (10 sessions)
€50 per participant

Evasion Games with Galway Bay Rugby Club
Senior Infants: 13.30-14.30
1st to 6th Class: 14.30-15.30
31st March – 16th June (10 sessions)
€50 for the 10 sessions per child
€90 for the 10 sessions if a family has two children
€135 for 10 sessions if a family has three children

Yoga and Mindfulness with Ciara and Sarah
Thursdays – 14.30-15.30
1st to 3rd Class (maximum 15 participants)
24th March – 9th June (10 sessions)
€50 per participant

Music Generation
There are a few place left for small-group violin lessons with Ingrid Nicola. These lessons would take place during the school day on Mondays. If you are interested in your child participating, please sign up with Claudia and pay the fee to the school, which we will then send on to Music Generation.