Spring Break
The school will have an early dismissal on Friday, 8th April at 11.50 for infants and 12.00 for other classes. The school will be closed for the following two weeks
for Spring Break. Our first day back is Monday, 24th April. Also, please note that the school will be closed on Monday, 2nd May for the May Bank Holiday.

Swimming lessons will begin after the break. Due to scheduling conflicts, 1st and 2nd Class will have 4 sessions this year, and 3rd, 4th and 5th Class will have 8 sessions. The sessions will be in the morning, and the bus will be leaving at 9.00. See the table below for the dates for each class.

Please ensure that your child brings the following items:

a swimming costume/trunks, a swimming hat and a towel. Goggles are optional. The swimming costume, towel, etc. should have a name tag clearly visible and carried to school in a waterproof bag.

A permission form has been set up on Aladdin Connect. Please complete this as soon as possible. The cost will be slightly lower than anticipated: €25 for 1st and 2nd Class and €50 for 3rd, 4th and 5th Class. The easiest way to make payment is by bank transfer, or you can make a cash payment in the
office. As always, speak in confidence with Claudia or Matt if the cost presents any difficulty for your family.

Everyone should have received a sample from www.thelunchbag.ie earlier this week. The service allows families the opportunity to provide their children with 5 different lunch choices in a week, with a choice from over 1,700 different combinations of
sandwiches, wraps, rolls, pastas, salads, noodles and snacks, for as little as €2 a day for a 3-piece lunch. Lunches are delivered for free into the classroom before the children arrive to school. Children will need to take home all packaging and any uneaten lunch each day. Visit www.thelunchbag.ie/ to register and place an order. Please remember to order before noon the day before you want lunch. If you have any further queries, just call 043 33 62038 or email info@thelunchbag.ie.

Collection for Unicef and the Red Cross
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to our recent collect. Just under €600 was collected, and €300 has been sent to both Unicef and the Irish Red Cross.

Children Not Returning to the School in Autumn
If your child will not be returning to the school for any reason this autumn, please let Claudia, Matt or your child’s teacher know as soon as possible.