Coffee Morning
Many thanks for your generosity in supporting the Coffee Morning in aid of Galway Hospice. €755 was raised!

County Photos
County Photos will be at the school on 14th October to take school photos of all the children in the school.

Mid-term Break
The school will be closed 24th -29th October inclusive for the mid-term break. Afterschool @ KETNS will have a four-day camp (Tuesday to Friday).

Morning Supervision
We would kindly remind parents that children should not arrive on the school grounds without a parent before 8.40. The staff are kindly providing additional
supervision from 8.40 each day until the official start time of 8.50. The school cannot be responsible for supervision before this time. Any children on the
school grounds before this time will join the Breakfast Club.

Drop-Off and Collection
Many thanks for your continued cooperation regarding drop-off and collection. While children are aware of the need to be careful when crossing the street, we’d
ask parents to drive slowly and cautiously for the safety of all. Also, thanks for your continued support to ensure that driveways and entrances to the neighbouring estates are never obstructed.

Green Flag
The school was awarded its first Green Flag for Litter and Waste Management on Monday at an online ceremony. Congratulations to the children, staff members and parents who helped achieve this. We will organise a special flag-raising celebration in the near future.

Pop-up Market
Thanks to everyone who support our pop-up market. There are a few paper briquettes remaining if anyone has use for them at home