Welcome Back
We are delighted to welcome everyone back to school on Wednesday, 31st August. We hope everyone has a restful, enjoyable summer, and we look forward to great things in the new year. Supervision in the yard will begin at 8.40 and the day will begin at 8.50. (Junior Infants and their parents are welcome to enter to the classroom from 8.40 when they arrive.) A reminder that any pupils arriving after 9.00 need
to sign in at the office.

New Infants and Other New Pupils
We extend a special welcome to our new pupils, particularly our new class of Junior Infants as well as a number of pupils who will be joining other classes. We’re delighted to have you join our learning community. A reminder to parents of Junior Infants that this week and next week the day will end at 12.00. All other classes will finish their day at the usual time, 13.30 for Senior Infants and 14.30 for all other classes.

School Expenses
School expenses will remain €100 per pupil for the year. This pays for all school books, stationery, art supplies, photocopying and 24-hour pupil personal accident
insurance. Most of our new pupils have already paid this when you enrolled. You can go online and pay with a credit card (a small transaction fee is added) by visiting our
website, www.ketns.ie/school-expenses. You can pay cash to Claudia between 8.40 and 15.15 daily. You can also may a bank transfer.

Dropoff and Collection
We ask parents to be very mindful and careful at drop off and collection times. Please drive carefully and with patience to ensure everyone remains safe. We want to be
good neighbours and ask that parents not enter the adjacent housing estates and to keep the footpaths clear. Most of all, as part of our work as a Green School, we would encourage everyone to walk or cycle as much as possible. Families can participate in the Park and Stride programme which will give you a window sticker to allow you to park in nearby car parks and walk to school. Ask Matt for more details. Many thanks
for your cooperation!

Walking to and from School Independently
Children in 3rd Class and above may leave the school independently to walk or cycle home, including to walk to a parent’s parked car. If there is a younger sibling who will be walking home independently with an older sibling please speak to Matt. An online form has been set up on Aladdin Connect where you can grant permission. (If you are new to the school, you’ll receive an email helping you access this app. Speak to Claudia or Matt if you need any assistance.)

We value attendance very much and know the benefits good attendance has on your child’s progress. It is our policy to remind parents of the requirement to report absences to Túsla after the 15th absence. All absences in excess of 20 days must be reported to Túsla. That being said, we also have learned the importance of staying at home when feeling unwell for any reason. While we will no longer require Return to School Declarations, we do ask you inform us of any unexpected absences by phoning the school or emailing Claudia. If we have not heard from parents, it is our practice to make a courtesy call to check on the wellbeing of your child. If you have any questions or concerns about attendance, please contact Matt.

Building Works over the Summer
The school has been a very busy place over the last number of weeks. Significant roof repairs have been made to the internal courtyards, the floors have been polished and some floor areas have been replaced, drains have been cleared in the yard and the ceiling tiles are all being replaced in the hall. There will be a few more projects underway in the new academic year related to energy efficiency and new
protectors for the basketball hoops