Spring Fair

We’re all very excited about the Spring Fair this Saturday from 12.00 to 16.00. Sincere thanks to those who have signed up to volunteer. We do need a few
more volunteers and it takes no time at all to sign up:

KETNS Parent-Teacher Association: Spring Fair 2023 (signupgenius.com)https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e49aaaf22a7f9c43-spring1#/

A reminder that we are asking all families to bake something for the café. You can bring this to school from tomorrow afternoon onwards or the morning of the fair. Second-hand books for adults or children can also be brought to the school starting on tomorrow afternoon.

Here is a fantastic map of the school showing the location of all the activities on offer.

A gentle reminder to walk, cycle or car pool and to never park in any of the neighbouring estates.

We will be having advanced sign-up for the workshops tomorrow at drop-off and collection time. The list of workshops is below:
12.00 and 12.30 – Superhero Training with Miss Laurie – €3
12.00 and 13.00 – Cupcake Decorating with Marta (children under 8) – €5
14.00 and 15.00 – Cupcake Decorating with Marta (children 8 and up) – €5
13.30 – Music with Matt – €3
14.30 – Zumba for adults (and 5th/6th Class) with Carmel – €3
15.00 – Yoga with Sara – €3

In addition, a special art workshop will be led by Fran in 3rd Class. Anyone can drop by from 14.00-15.00 to participate and can choose the amount the wish to contribute for the workshop.
We look forward to a fantastic day for our school community!

4th Class busy preparing the Obstacle Course – we hope the skys will be a bit brighter on Saturday!

Green Flag
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded our second Green Flag for Water. Sarah-Jane and three representatives of the Green School Committee attended an award ceremony today at the Ardilaun Hotel. Sincere thanks to the Committee for their hard work for this achievement.

Educate Together Quiz
Yesterday four children represented the school at the first of what we hope to be many gatherings of Educate Together schools in Connaught. Seven schools
competed in a quiz hosted by Tuam Educate Together NS, and we are delighted to say that our team won the competition and brought back the Terri Claffey Trophy,
a perpetual trophy that honours Terri who recently retired as principal of Claregalway Educate Together NS for all her support to our schools.

Another winning quiz team from our school pictured with Terri and Nuala, principal at Tuam Educate Together NS

Children Leaving the School
If your child will not be returning this autumn, please kindly let Matt or your child’s class teacher know as soon as possible.

Maths Games
Starting next week and for several subsequent weeks, children from Junior Infants to 3rd Class will be taking home maths games to play at home for homework.
Please let your child’s teacher know if any pieces are missing. These games can be a fun way to spend time as a family while also developing maths skills.

Infants School Tour
Despite some wet weather, the infants had a great time on their school tour to Wildlands yesterday! They enjoyed all the activities and had a fantastic day