Coffee Morning for Hospice
Many thanks to everyone who attended or supported the Coffee Morning last Friday. Special thanks to the parents who contributed baking. €760 was raised. Many thanks for your generosity!

Afterschool Clubs
The following afterschool clubs will be on offer this first term. Please take note of the different dates and fees for the various activities. Registration opens tomorrow (Tuesday, 20th September). Parents are asked to pay for the term upfront. We can only accept cash payments for these activities. All afterschool clubs start at 14.30 and end at 15.30.
If you child is an infant, you will need to arrange for collection of your child at the usual time of 13.30 unless they are attending Afterschool @ KETNS.

There are several new clubs including the following:
 We are starting a School Choir that will meet on Mondays. This is open to all children, and we will learn a range of songs (from pop music to more serious part-singing) as we develop our musical literacy and work towards potential performances in the future.

 Soccer skills will be developed with Enda in this indoor afterschool activity.

 Wellbeing with Caroline will include activities to support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing development through stories, art & crafts, mindfulness, & sport.

 Latch-hook rug making is a simple weaving technique that involves using a special tool, called a latch hook, to knot short strands of yarn through a grid-like fabric base. No experience is required and Claire will provide all materials.

 Superhero Training with Miss Laurie is a fun creative movement session that has been offered in our school for a number of years.

 Lego with Pádraic will see children collaborate on projects, including robotics, some coding opportunities and other lego-related tasks.

 Finally, Matt is offering a bilingual (Irish/English) basketball session where skills will be developed as we work towards playing friendly matches.

Coats and Jumpers
It is estremely helpful if parents write your child’s name on the tags of jumpers and coats as it helps us return any lost items immediately. Thanks!

Parking Before and After School
Continued thanks for your cooperation with the drop-off and collection each day. We’d ask parents to be mindful not to block the bath, particularly on the far side of the road, so that all pedestrians can pass easily.

Parent-Teacher Association Meeting
Our first Parent-Teacher Association Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 28th September at 19.00 at the school. All parents are welcome to attend.

A group of parents are volunteering to help take care of the various gardens in the school. If you are interested in participating, please let Matt or Claudia know.

Committee Meetings
There are now six pupil committees operating in the school that help us live out our democratic ethos. Two pupils from each class (1st Class and up) are on each committee. We will ensure that rotation of the roles will happen each year to ensure maximum participation. We look forward to having regular monthly meetings and to see the positive impact these committees will have on our learning community. The six committees are as follows:

  • Active Flag – This committee ensures there are opportunities for physical education and fitness for all.
  • Creative Schools – This committee collaborates to organised creative learning experiences for all classes.
  • Gaelbhratach – Tá an coiste seo ag iarraidh Gaeilge a chur chun cinn sa scoil. (This
    committee works to promote the Irish language in our school.)
  • Green Schools – Currently working on the second Green Flag on the theme of water, this committee is responsible for ensuring that the school community are knowledge about and work as advocates regarding the protection of the environment.
  • STEM Committee – Our newest committee is responsible for coordinating whole-events related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
  • Student Council – The final committee is involved with our newest initiative, becoming a Child Rights School. They also give input to whole-school policy-making and planning
The Creative School Committee
The STEM Committee