Mid-Term Break
The school will be closed from Monday, 31st October to Friday, 4th November inclusive for the Mid-Term Break. Afterschool @ KETNS will offer a four-day
camp from Tuesday to Friday. School will resume on Monday, 7th November.

Halloween Fancy Dress
Our final school day before the break will be Friday, 28th October. It will be a full school day with the usual dismissal times. As is the custom in the school, children and staff members are invited to wear a costume to school that day. As it will be an ordinary learning day, it would be wise to bear this in mind when choosing a costume. We’d ask that nothing resembling a weapon be brought into the school.
We will have a collection that day for Irish Red Cross who support communities in need in Ireland and abroad.

Maths Portal
A new page on our website is devoted to helping parents support their child’s learning related to maths. It includes information about our recent work as part of our school self-evaluation process. There are also helpful videos demonstrating the
computation methods we teach as they may be quite different to those that parents learned in school. Finally, there are links to a number of helpful websites to support extra learning at home related to maths. Visit www.ketns.ie/maths-portal.

Despite a very wet day, the whole school celebrated
European School Sports Day with lots of fun physical
activities in the halla on 30th September.

Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is available every school day. It starts at 8.00, and a simple breakfast is provided. If you wish to have your child attend, you can book a place on the school website at www.ketns.ie/breakfastclub.

Scholastic Books
Your children recently brought home a leaflet from Scholastic. Families are invited to purchase books, and the school receives 20c for every €1 spent for us to purchase resources for the school. The easiest way to place an order is to go online, browse the
books and make a purchase with a credit card by visiting https://schools.scholastic.ie/knocknacarraetns/digital-book-club. If you wish to pay cash, please bring the leaflet to the office indicating which books you wish to purchase as well as the cash payment. Orders must be received by Thursday, 27th
October. The books will then be delivered to the school in early November.

Children from Senior Infants to 6th Class will be attending a performance as part of Baboró, the children’s arts festival in Galway. You will receive an email providing you with details about the excursion from your child’s class teacher. You’ll be asked to
grant permission for the trip via Aladdin Connect. For Senior Infants, the cost is €3 and for 1st to 6th Class it is €7. This can be paid in cash to the office or via a bank transfer. The Board of Management is kindly subsidising the transport cost thanks to
parent’s generous voluntary contributions.